I think the same way. The creator must not be aware of what a Public Domain license really is because on his website it is also explicit that this license is.
The files have been corrected, textured and tweaked to what I want. I intend to sell as part of a project, not the files that were downloaded, but my fully customized version.
The creator of these objects available here is the same as the website I provided. But the creator seems unaware of what CC0 actually means. You cannot make something available under the CC0 license and place a restriction on those objects.
I think the same way. The creator must not be aware of what a Public Domain license really is because on his website it is also explicit that this license is.
The files have been corrected, textured and tweaked to what I want. I intend to sell as part of a project, not the files that were downloaded, but my fully customized version.
The creator of these objects available here is the same as the website I provided. But the creator seems unaware of what CC0 actually means. You cannot make something available under the CC0 license and place a restriction on those objects.
I don't want to have copyright problems in the future, if the creator doesn't explain this issue, I will discard these objects.
Go to the creator's website and see what I'm saying.
I am very strict about copyright issues, so I visited the creator's website and there is the following message:
No, you can't do that
On his website it is also licensed under CC0 and yet he says they cannot be sold.
It seems to me that he is not quite sure what Public Domain means.
What is the logic in making objects available under a CC0 license and preventing people from being able to resell them? Could you explain?