A less then scientific study using less then scientific methods can come to any concolusion.
While I must say that "remixing" when it comes to code is more beneficial then it is for creative works, the benifit for creative works is still there just typically not in the same method.
The highest quality creative works typically come from when someone see's piece of art x and wants to create piece y and z to go with it, not in a pure modification of the original.
The site is being migrated to a new more reliable setup, this will take place sometime over the next few days, there may be some slowdown on the site during this time.
A less then scientific study using less then scientific methods can come to any concolusion.
While I must say that "remixing" when it comes to code is more beneficial then it is for creative works, the benifit for creative works is still there just typically not in the same method.
The highest quality creative works typically come from when someone see's piece of art x and wants to create piece y and z to go with it, not in a pure modification of the original.
When everything is said and done there should be a good 10-20% perf increase actually ^.^
also the clicking noise when you move is annoying...
Just downloading the game is dificult thats prolly part of the reason, also a game at that stage being $7 is really pricy.
The site is being migrated to a new more reliable setup, this will take place sometime over the next few days, there may be some slowdown on the site during this time.
Took me a few to look up the case but take a look at Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures Corp.
in the us a art style can not be copywritten.
While I dont have any issue with there being a watermark on hotlinked art (OGA is not an image host) it prolly should be noted somewhere.
I have installed as well as ordered some additional hardware and I am working on installing some new systems that should resolve these issues.