It seems that the sounds in this have the wrong extension.. they have the ogg extension but they are actually wav files. I have to rename them to get them to play in WMP, and their sizes are much larger than I would expect for ogg vorbis files that are this short.
Yeah this file has the wrong extension. 7-zip tells me it's actually a rar file, so it should be renamed to handaxe.rar.
Any chance to get a version of this with a transparent background?
These are really cool looking. One thing though, they seem to be designed for a grid that's 31 pixels wide, which is kinda weird.
It'd be really nice if there were some castle-wall type tiles to connect them.
It seems that the sounds in this have the wrong extension.. they have the ogg extension but they are actually wav files. I have to rename them to get them to play in WMP, and their sizes are much larger than I would expect for ogg vorbis files that are this short.
These are very cool. Does someone want to put together some clothes/armor that can be used with these?
Cool backgrounds, but there's no licensing information...
I just downloaded them but most of them wouldn't play. Only the zaps seemed to work.
Edit: nevermind, this seems to be a problem with my computer.