Thanks alot! All of them are beautiful!
Looks great so far! Thanks, I will let you know if it needs any adjustments :)
Thanks alot for considering this project :)
The walking animation looks nice, could you provide a spritesheet instead of a gif?
Yes, still looking. That bunny looks awesome :) I hope you keep working on it, you already did a great job with bunny and I would love to see it in my game :)
Used these in my project
Hey, I used this awesome soundtrack in my project here :
Once again, Thanks alot!
I used these buttons in my project:
Thanks alot!
LOVE IT! Definitely going to use it in my upcoming game :)
But i have one request, size of the file is too big for a 2 minute music to use in game in my opinion, is it possible that you could reduce the size?
Thank you!
Thanks alot! All of them are beautiful!
Looks great so far! Thanks, I will let you know if it needs any adjustments :)
Thanks alot for considering this project :)
The walking animation looks nice, could you provide a spritesheet instead of a gif?
Yes, still looking. That bunny looks awesome :) I hope you keep working on it, you already did a great job with bunny and I would love to see it in my game :)
Used these in my project
Hey, I used this awesome soundtrack in my project here :
Once again, Thanks alot!
I used these buttons in my project:
Thanks alot!
Thanks alot!
LOVE IT! Definitely going to use it in my upcoming game :)
But i have one request, size of the file is too big for a 2 minute music to use in game in my opinion, is it possible that you could reduce the size?
Thanks alot!
Thank you!