Its getting better everyday, will you consider adding dialog options? Also, the story I will supply will definitely need to hide dialog options if the player has not done prerequisite or does not have the necessary value.
If I am lucky, I will have free time on Wednesday. I am planning to translate and rearrange a complete region, probably somewhere small, like bakery. I have never done before, but I might try to script the dialogues as well.
If you can do organic modelling, why not more monsters. As for animals, I guess there many more missing. You can see the list of OGA animals from here.
Could you link the original? Also choosing multiple licenses means the resource can be used with any of the selected licenses, GPL does not allow relicensing, thus your license should be GPL v3 to be compatible.
Looks great, corridors can be fixed by transparent walls.
More translations and some fixes for the previous ones.
I managed to translate rumors.
Willliam you are doing great, its impressive for a person who is working and have a family. I sometimes cannot find time to sleep ;)
Its getting better everyday, will you consider adding dialog options? Also, the story I will supply will definitely need to hide dialog options if the player has not done prerequisite or does not have the necessary value.
If I am lucky, I will have free time on Wednesday. I am planning to translate and rearrange a complete region, probably somewhere small, like bakery. I have never done before, but I might try to script the dialogues as well.
If you can do organic modelling, why not more monsters. As for animals, I guess there many more missing. You can see the list of OGA animals from here.
You should keep original license of CC-By-SA unless you get explicit permission from the author of original LPC character.
It seems pretty right to me. Just to keep in mind, there are two licenses on OGA does not allow relicensing: GPL and CC-By-SA
Could you link the original? Also choosing multiple licenses means the resource can be used with any of the selected licenses, GPL does not allow relicensing, thus your license should be GPL v3 to be compatible.
Nice work.