Well I got a little bit more done today. Right now the player gets random stats when starting. Next on my list is to get the players items to show in the inventory and make them dragable to the Character item slots.
It's what I had handy. I am going to work on setting up github or something, but right now id rather be working on the game itself.
Or even run ubuntu from a flash drive with out installing it.
Personaly i think you could do a little mix and match on the 2 to make it less repetive.
This is As3 code that i will be porting to use in the contest.
I will add the lua versions when as i complete them.
Well I got a little bit more done today. Right now the player gets random stats when starting. Next on my list is to get the players items to show in the inventory and make them dragable to the Character item slots.
It's what I had handy. I am going to work on setting up github or something, but right now id rather be working on the game itself.
Or even run ubuntu from a flash drive with out installing it.
Personaly i think you could do a little mix and match on the 2 to make it less repetive.
This is As3 code that i will be porting to use in the contest.
I will add the lua versions when as i complete them.