Could I get one done up of the sand/grass? That should round out beach and desert biome base tiles! I can use those to make islands, beaches, desert oasis spots, etc. in conjunction with the current sand/water and grass/water tile sets.
I'm not sure what other sets would be good.. mountain/ice? Mountain/sand? I have a space level, I wonder what would work for that? Plenty of stuff on the Spiral Graphics site, I'l have to do some research into them and maybe see what inspiration hits!
On second thought, would you just like to be the credited land art person flat-out? In all reality, I do minor coding, and am much more the project manager/designer than anything else in official capacity.
I grow everything, from barley and wheat grass to weed (medically licensed) to bonsai plants.
Oh, I have custom character capability now impelmented. All that's required now is tile work!
Could I perhaps trouble you for more, good sir? The sand/grass up above, grass/water, and water/sand? That would give me desert, island, oasis, beach, and probably a couple of other things I have not thought of, yet!
I've included a water tile. Might need to re-size it.
Could I get one done up of the sand/grass? That should round out beach and desert biome base tiles! I can use those to make islands, beaches, desert oasis spots, etc. in conjunction with the current sand/water and grass/water tile sets.
I'm not sure what other sets would be good.. mountain/ice? Mountain/sand? I have a space level, I wonder what would work for that? Plenty of stuff on the Spiral Graphics site, I'l have to do some research into them and maybe see what inspiration hits!
They are free textures coming from the Spiral Graphics website, and this game is free.
These do appear to perfectly line up with other tiles! Most excellent!
Uhh, quick question, how do you wish to be credited? By your account name here?
Will let you know in the morning, I'm about to be heading to bed as well.
Thank you!
Which texture sizes are wrong? I'll re-sie myself and re-up.
On second thought, would you just like to be the credited land art person flat-out? In all reality, I do minor coding, and am much more the project manager/designer than anything else in official capacity.
I grow everything, from barley and wheat grass to weed (medically licensed) to bonsai plants.
Oh, I have custom character capability now impelmented. All that's required now is tile work!
Could I perhaps trouble you for more, good sir? The sand/grass up above, grass/water, and water/sand? That would give me desert, island, oasis, beach, and probably a couple of other things I have not thought of, yet!
I've included a water tile. Might need to re-size it.
As always, credit will be given!
Created, redesigned, and updated. Now I've got 100w 120cm LED tubes, China's still trying to sell 18w-36w 'High Power" LED tubes.
I feel out of date working ASM on horticultural-purposed microcontrollers!
My god, Pascal. I haven't played with that since Turbo Pascal in the late '80s/early '90s.