@mabaci: Is there anywhere that indicates you are the author of the Typoline font?
@heko: It is allowed even if the font's author had not given permission: the font itself is not included in the download, only the typeface. Typefaces have no copyright (in the US, at least)
And how many swasticas should we host on this site to satisfy your 'artistic vision'?
Me personally? Just this one, probably. It does save me time for the Nazi-Hunter game I'm planning. I can't speak to anyone else's artistic vison.
Is this one enough?
should we have 50?
Nah, that would be pretty redundant.
how about 1000?
Definitely redundant. Just the one is probably fine.
if someone needs it in their project they can bloody well make their own
That does bring up a good point regarding asset triviality. If the average user can create the asset on their own in just a few minutes, it doesn't really merit being on OGA. I felt like it would take me longer than that to produce the logo above, so I was willing to leave it unless the community agrees it's rather trivial. I'll assume you feel that way and gauge the opinion of the rest of the community as well. Thank you for bringing that up.
my quote was pointing to the fact that even you could see that it had little 'artistic' merit
You misrepresented my quote, then. I was pointing out the similarity to the regular-ol' Nazi swastika, not pointing out it was easy to create or had no artistic merit. Again, triviality remains to be seen, though.
Face it, you're just a bunch of nazi sympathizers and you have zero of my respect and I sure as hell don't consider you to be an ally to me or anyone.
I am sorry you feel that way. If I thought your arguments weren't ridiculous or you weren't just being a troll and genuinely had a problem with games where the player fights against Nazis, I might have given your opinion a little more weight. Again, I refute the insulting aspersion that I am a Nazi sympathizer, and I vehemently condemn the ideology in its entirety. The complete loss of respect is mutual.
The comments on this thread will be locked for 24 hours to give this topic a chance to cool down. Everyone is welcome to message me privately and discuss it further without fear of repercussion. EDIT: Cooldown period complete.
Are you under the impression I was trying to avoid admitting this is a swastika? It is a swastika. It is a symbol of Nazism. It is a symbol of hate and evil. I unequivocally condemn Nazis as evil, repugnant, and worthy of nothing but scorn.
I did not say it should be allowed here because of any support for such beliefs or organizations; I do not support such things. I said it should be allowed here because it is useful as a game asset where the players fight against evil entities, such as Nazis.
As everyone else seems to have understood, but you seem to continue to misunderstand, is that the comparison to other media such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and Castle Wolfenstein is because those are decidedly anti-Nazi, yet feature swastikas. They feature swastikas precisely to show who the Nazis are and how evil they are.
If the only thing it takes for you to label someone a Nazi is for them to draw/have/use a swastika, without any context, then all the creators of those media are Nazis to you. That is ridiculous.
start drawing swasticas and I'm gonna call you a nazi.
steven spielberg draw swastikas all over raders of the lost ark.
And this ain't those. This is a thinly veiled excuse to post a swastica.
It is those, actually. This is where games and other media can come to get assets to create things like all the anti-nazi media discussed above. Where do you suppose Steven Spielberg got the Nazi flags in his movies? Did he buy them from Nazis? Or do you suppose there is some place to get assests like that from people who are not Nazis but want to help make anti-Nazi media? Obviously Hollywood doesn't stop by OGA to get Nazi flags, but by your logic, no one is ever permitted to make a game where Nazis are the bad guys, because doing so would require the game to say the word "Nazi" and label the bad guys with swastikas.
The mere existence of swastikas does not promote Nazi ideals. Nazis use them that way, of course, but it is my sincere hope that this one in particular is used for exactly the opposite. Is it possible a neo-Nazi will misuse this and apply it to propagandizing hateful ideals? Yes, it is. I hope that doesn't happen. However, there are many assets on OGA that are regularly used in NSFW pornographic games on itch.io. I would rather they didn't use them that way, but taking the assets off of OGA is no way to stop the abusive use.
shadowfeign: How would you feel if I told you there is a game on itch.io right now that uses your assets in such a game? Do you approve of their use of it? Should you be ashamed because you are the creator of the assets, even though you did not make them for that purpose?
"Still illegal in Germany, so we still could get banned..."
I don't believe it is. My understanding is that German law surrounding Nazi symbols is specific to propaganda and support in a social context. This is not that. Furthermore, there are exceptions for art usage. Which this is.
If "we" is OpenGameArt, then we should already be banned in Germany: OGA does not comply with GDPR standards. We always remove personal information upon request, but this website is not subject to any European laws.
"...I don't want to see this site delve into a Nazi hellhole."
If you believe sharing this "Evil Empire" logo is inviting Nazis onto OGA, I believe you continue to miss the point.
A: "Hi! Welcome to the anti-fascism club!"
Q: "Thanks! I can't wait to fight against evil fascism. What's next?'
A: "Glad to hear that. Our next action is a protest where we use a Nazi flag to light and burn an effigy of-"
Q: "Woah! Wait, 'Nazi flag'? That's going to attract the wrong kind of people! I don't want the anti-fascism club to devolve into a Nazi hellhole."
A: "... Are you kidding me? We're literally protesting Nazis by burning and denigrating such symbols. How is that encouraging Nazis to join us?"
This is hardly a trademarked logo. If it were, this might be flagged for trademark issues. Beware submitting art that infringes, even if the intent is otherwise.
Political discussions on this site are still banned. Artwork that makes a political statement, and artwork that is used in games that have political commentary are allowed, but be careful not to let a discussion about artwork and games devolve into a discussion about modern politics.
No, it isn't. No, it shouldn't. This isn't promoting evil, it's denigrating it. Just as the "satanic panic" didn't like games like Diablo. The players goal in such games is to FIGHT evil, not embrace it. I gather you find all of the following deeply offensive?
Silly me as well
@mabaci: Is there anywhere that indicates you are the author of the Typoline font?
@heko: It is allowed even if the font's author had not given permission: the font itself is not included in the download, only the typeface. Typefaces have no copyright (in the US, at least)
Garage Band is notorious for getting youtubers copyright strikes. How close to Garage Band's default fanfare clip is this?
Me personally? Just this one, probably. It does save me time for the Nazi-Hunter game I'm planning. I can't speak to anyone else's artistic vison.
Nah, that would be pretty redundant.
Definitely redundant. Just the one is probably fine.
That does bring up a good point regarding asset triviality. If the average user can create the asset on their own in just a few minutes, it doesn't really merit being on OGA. I felt like it would take me longer than that to produce the logo above, so I was willing to leave it unless the community agrees it's rather trivial. I'll assume you feel that way and gauge the opinion of the rest of the community as well. Thank you for bringing that up.
You misrepresented my quote, then. I was pointing out the similarity to the regular-ol' Nazi swastika, not pointing out it was easy to create or had no artistic merit. Again, triviality remains to be seen, though.
I am sorry you feel that way. If I thought your arguments weren't ridiculous or you weren't just being a troll and genuinely had a problem with games where the player fights against Nazis, I might have given your opinion a little more weight. Again, I refute the insulting aspersion that I am a Nazi sympathizer, and I vehemently condemn the ideology in its entirety. The complete loss of respect is mutual.
The comments on this thread will be locked for 24 hours to give this topic a chance to cool down. Everyone is welcome to message me privately and discuss it further without fear of repercussion.EDIT: Cooldown period complete.Are you under the impression I was trying to avoid admitting this is a swastika? It is a swastika. It is a symbol of Nazism. It is a symbol of hate and evil. I unequivocally condemn Nazis as evil, repugnant, and worthy of nothing but scorn.
I did not say it should be allowed here because of any support for such beliefs or organizations; I do not support such things. I said it should be allowed here because it is useful as a game asset where the players fight against evil entities, such as Nazis.
As everyone else seems to have understood, but you seem to continue to misunderstand, is that the comparison to other media such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and Castle Wolfenstein is because those are decidedly anti-Nazi, yet feature swastikas. They feature swastikas precisely to show who the Nazis are and how evil they are.
If the only thing it takes for you to label someone a Nazi is for them to draw/have/use a swastika, without any context, then all the creators of those media are Nazis to you. That is ridiculous.
It is those, actually. This is where games and other media can come to get assets to create things like all the anti-nazi media discussed above. Where do you suppose Steven Spielberg got the Nazi flags in his movies? Did he buy them from Nazis? Or do you suppose there is some place to get assests like that from people who are not Nazis but want to help make anti-Nazi media? Obviously Hollywood doesn't stop by OGA to get Nazi flags, but by your logic, no one is ever permitted to make a game where Nazis are the bad guys, because doing so would require the game to say the word "Nazi" and label the bad guys with swastikas.
The mere existence of swastikas does not promote Nazi ideals. Nazis use them that way, of course, but it is my sincere hope that this one in particular is used for exactly the opposite. Is it possible a neo-Nazi will misuse this and apply it to propagandizing hateful ideals? Yes, it is. I hope that doesn't happen. However, there are many assets on OGA that are regularly used in NSFW pornographic games on itch.io. I would rather they didn't use them that way, but taking the assets off of OGA is no way to stop the abusive use.
shadowfeign: How would you feel if I told you there is a game on itch.io right now that uses your assets in such a game? Do you approve of their use of it? Should you be ashamed because you are the creator of the assets, even though you did not make them for that purpose?
If you believe sharing this "Evil Empire" logo is inviting Nazis onto OGA, I believe you continue to miss the point.
A: "Hi! Welcome to the anti-fascism club!"
Q: "Thanks! I can't wait to fight against evil fascism. What's next?'
A: "Glad to hear that. Our next action is a protest where we use a Nazi flag to light and burn an effigy of-"
Q: "Woah! Wait, 'Nazi flag'? That's going to attract the wrong kind of people! I don't want the anti-fascism club to devolve into a Nazi hellhole."
A: "... Are you kidding me? We're literally protesting Nazis by burning and denigrating such symbols. How is that encouraging Nazis to join us?"
Some things to note with that in mind:
No, it isn't. No, it shouldn't. This isn't promoting evil, it's denigrating it. Just as the "satanic panic" didn't like games like Diablo. The players goal in such games is to FIGHT evil, not embrace it. I gather you find all of the following deeply offensive?
LOL! If the swastika were trademarked, this wouldn't be differenitated enough to be called "not a swastika".
@ShggothSlave: do you have the individual parallax layers available?