Yeah, I'm definitely a big fan of your stuff. It's always caught my eye when I pop in and I always go in for a closer look. I haven't downloaded or used any of your work in my project, only because everything was a gpl license (which I noticed that you added more just now!).
I don't understand how gpl works, honestly. I've read it and it seems to reference software and source code a lot and it states that you have to keep track of dates modified (I modify everything at least a little) and it was enough to keep me from using it, knowing how informal and unorganized I can be. It's more or less a rule I set for myself, cc0 or cc by 3.0 only and I'm not one to gripe about the license the artist chooses. It's your work, it's free to use, set as many standards and requirements as you feel you want and deserve.
Now that I see you slapping a cc by 3.0 on your stuff, I will definitely be using quite a few of your submissions, and by the time I noticed the additional license options, you're leaving? Sad times, man. Sad times. At any rate, thanks for all your work and submissions.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words. After a break, I fully intend on doing more with the project. If I had second thoughts about it before, they're dead now :D
@Medicine: It's just GameMaker Studio. I wrote the scripts in c# and by-passed a lot of built-in functions, but it's still laced with gml.
@Chasers: I'm a bit of an internet recluse, in that I haven't had any form of social media since myspace was the cool thing, so until recently, I didn't even know game jams were a thing. My favorite game on android is Persist, which I found out was a game jam entry, made in 48 hours. Shortly after that find, Medicine had the OGA jam posted on the front page and I just kinda went with the flow lol
I think it was put together very well. Itch (another new discovery) seems to be very organized and took out any confusion from the whole thing. I mean, it even had that intimidating clock, counting down the seconds... Which often felt like "Do I cut the red or blue wire?!", but at least I knew exactly how much time I had!
For me, it wasn't a matter of looking for assets and not being able to find them as much as it was "Oh, that's perfect for this!... But then there's that, which would be great too." I mean, narrowing down what I would have time to implement was far more challeneging than finding things. The only thing I felt I couldn't find was a boss-like monster that'd themeatically fit into my game, but I found a filler on itch(though I didn't have time to make the area or areas that linked to it).
The Boss in debug mode, an asset found on Itch by Warren Clark
Wow, thanks man! That really means a lot after seeing your stuff. I've been tinkering with pixelart for almost a year now and it saves a lot of time. It's incredibly easy to work with for solo projects but it's difficult to cram detail into such a small area! The game jam was a great excuse to see how much progress I could make using this style, and the results tell me I should stick with it! My primary project is pretty high res, time consuming, forces me to optimize memory consumption/load times and though Iv'e been picking away at it for about 3 years now(on the side) there's not a lot of presentable progress :/
The image is an example of a small area that I made for my main project(it's place and draw, no tiles @.@), which took longer to make than what I submitted to the jam and kinda forced me to explore this new approach lol (it uses glitch assets)
I have never been a part of a game jam before or really made anything that was sent out of my house. That was a lot of stress/fun and i'm pretty shocked that I got 2nd place, I'm flattered! Thanks for throwing this knifty event! There are a few games submitted that could be easily carried out to awesome, full length games.
I've seen this a lot. Those examples have quite a bit of detail and it sounds like you don't even have a prototype with "stand-in" graphics. I'd suggest building a prototype, using gfx somewhat on par with with what you have envisioned(even copyrighted material, as this is only for the prototype) and make something that presents your creativity in its levels, game play and features. The longer the demo is, the more convincing you'll be in your dedication to complete the game. You'll have a much higher chance of getting an artist of that caliber to work for rev.
What engine are you using?
This game is pretty sweet and chaotic. You've made a lot of progress here and the assets mesh well. Keep it up!
@Fiveasone: Oh, my. Is there any way that naga could be a submission?! I LOVE it!... What else are you hiding? <.<
Yeah, I'm definitely a big fan of your stuff. It's always caught my eye when I pop in and I always go in for a closer look. I haven't downloaded or used any of your work in my project, only because everything was a gpl license (which I noticed that you added more just now!).
I don't understand how gpl works, honestly. I've read it and it seems to reference software and source code a lot and it states that you have to keep track of dates modified (I modify everything at least a little) and it was enough to keep me from using it, knowing how informal and unorganized I can be. It's more or less a rule I set for myself, cc0 or cc by 3.0 only and I'm not one to gripe about the license the artist chooses. It's your work, it's free to use, set as many standards and requirements as you feel you want and deserve.
Now that I see you slapping a cc by 3.0 on your stuff, I will definitely be using quite a few of your submissions, and by the time I noticed the additional license options, you're leaving? Sad times, man. Sad times. At any rate, thanks for all your work and submissions.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words. After a break, I fully intend on doing more with the project. If I had second thoughts about it before, they're dead now :D
@Medicine: It's just GameMaker Studio. I wrote the scripts in c# and by-passed a lot of built-in functions, but it's still laced with gml.
@Chasers: I'm a bit of an internet recluse, in that I haven't had any form of social media since myspace was the cool thing, so until recently, I didn't even know game jams were a thing. My favorite game on android is Persist, which I found out was a game jam entry, made in 48 hours. Shortly after that find, Medicine had the OGA jam posted on the front page and I just kinda went with the flow lol
I think it was put together very well. Itch (another new discovery) seems to be very organized and took out any confusion from the whole thing. I mean, it even had that intimidating clock, counting down the seconds... Which often felt like "Do I cut the red or blue wire?!", but at least I knew exactly how much time I had!
For me, it wasn't a matter of looking for assets and not being able to find them as much as it was "Oh, that's perfect for this!... But then there's that, which would be great too." I mean, narrowing down what I would have time to implement was far more challeneging than finding things. The only thing I felt I couldn't find was a boss-like monster that'd themeatically fit into my game, but I found a filler on itch(though I didn't have time to make the area or areas that linked to it).
The Boss in debug mode, an asset found on Itch by Warren Clark
Wow, thanks man! That really means a lot after seeing your stuff. I've been tinkering with pixelart for almost a year now and it saves a lot of time. It's incredibly easy to work with for solo projects but it's difficult to cram detail into such a small area! The game jam was a great excuse to see how much progress I could make using this style, and the results tell me I should stick with it! My primary project is pretty high res, time consuming, forces me to optimize memory consumption/load times and though Iv'e been picking away at it for about 3 years now(on the side) there's not a lot of presentable progress :/
The image is an example of a small area that I made for my main project(it's place and draw, no tiles @.@), which took longer to make than what I submitted to the jam and kinda forced me to explore this new approach lol (it uses glitch assets)
I have never been a part of a game jam before or really made anything that was sent out of my house. That was a lot of stress/fun and i'm pretty shocked that I got 2nd place, I'm flattered! Thanks for throwing this knifty event! There are a few games submitted that could be easily carried out to awesome, full length games.
I've seen this a lot. Those examples have quite a bit of detail and it sounds like you don't even have a prototype with "stand-in" graphics. I'd suggest building a prototype, using gfx somewhat on par with with what you have envisioned(even copyrighted material, as this is only for the prototype) and make something that presents your creativity in its levels, game play and features. The longer the demo is, the more convincing you'll be in your dedication to complete the game. You'll have a much higher chance of getting an artist of that caliber to work for rev.