Thanks for your comment! I do appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do so! I am also glad that you liked the music. It's one of the few times I actually played the guitar on a track. Which is something I keep telling myself to do more but, after take 3,015 of recording the simplest part it usually ends in fustration lmao.
Hey Bobjt1
It has been too long my guy! I always appreciate your kind words man. Thank you. Hope you are doing well! Cheers! =)
Hey TAD,
Awesome song as usual! I love it! Great job and thank you for shearing your art with us!
Hey TAD,
Great theme and great composition on this one. Beautiful piece, you did a killer job on this one! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us!
Hey Pangaroo7,
Glad you liked the music! I would love to see the finished product of your game =).
Hey SuperGamersGames,
Thank you so much for you comment! I appreciate it and I am glad that you enjoyed the song!
Hey HR78,
Thanks for your comment! I do appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do so! I am also glad that you liked the music. It's one of the few times I actually played the guitar on a track. Which is something I keep telling myself to do more but, after take 3,015 of recording the simplest part it usually ends in fustration lmao.
Hey HR78,
Thank you for the comment! \m/ \m/
Hey memento_7,
Thanks you somuch for your comment, I really appreciate it and I am really glad that you enjoyed the music!
Hey tridentkeep,
Thank you so much for your comment and I am really glad you liked the song!
Hey KLY,
This is really really good! I do love me some retro 80s music. You killed it! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing art with us! =)