Just wanted to say you have some great work on your soundcloud page and you are very talented! I am also a composer and wish you the best of luck and keep moving forward!!!!
I am glad that you liked it ztn, I try to make the music loop-able. If you need me to re-arrange it a little to help you out just shoot me an e-mail and I would be more than happy to work it out for you!
Nice song man! It does have a really nice upbeat happy feel to it. Great Job!
Just wanted to say you have some great work on your soundcloud page and you are very talented! I am also a composer and wish you the best of luck and keep moving forward!!!!
I am glad that you liked it ztn, I try to make the music loop-able. If you need me to re-arrange it a little to help you out just shoot me an e-mail and I would be more than happy to work it out for you!
Thank you ztn for the kind words man!
Thanks JuKu!
Hey GreenWolfGames,
I am glad that you liked the track, you may certainly use it for you game. I would love to play the finished product too! Cheers!
Hey Snabisch,
Thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot! Glad you enjoy it.
This is a solid track man! Love the phrasing of the lead and the smooth rhythm! Great job!!!
Hey Amac,
Yea I use Logic Pro X. For the most part I just use the stock plugins that come with it. Nothing fancy.
Thanks man! I have already heard a few pieces of music that you posted on this site. Sounds great! I also added you as well on soundcloud.