yes i know the zip files have a lot more then preview does but my point is their all _technically_ unique but most of them _look_ the same
i bet i could make 2500 _unique_ axes from the ones in my link just by shifting the hue and messing with saturation and swapping around the shafts but it doent make them _different_ enough to be very more useful anyone can do that kind of stuff in a 2 minutes so it doent save most downloaders very much time for what they could do on their own with less axes
i was just saying about 5 unique ones meaning the basic recognizable shape is only about 5
i zoomed in on the preview image and i woud say the axes kind of repeat every 5 columns
double square blade
double tapered blade
single tapered blade
single tapered blade with rounded top
single triangle blade
the colors and shafts and the other differences are not really very different enough for my eye to care
the part about multiple post is not a big deal if your posting one new upload a day but 4 all at once could all be together as one big upload of 10000 wepons axes stafs swords spears all together but hey im not admin so prolly ignore this part haha
you would be able to make higher res version when you convert it to svg yourself right?
> I really want to add this in my game but how do I add them if
> all of the pictures are in a one single image?
sprite sheets are pretty standard stuff for game dev bro
haha brrought to you by the publishers of the popular childrens book "pop goes the weasel and other fun microwave games"
nice charadcters... dat archer tho
doing away with creative commons = eliminating all art on oga right now
oga isnt going to do away with cc licenses until a new site is available that does it better
make the new better licenses get them used and adopted by the game dev community __then__ oga will change
before that its just making good assets unavailalbe to people that dont have the same problem with license vs game engine
>do away with the misguided Creative Commons and get together and develop licenses geared for games.
that isnt changing oga thats getting rid of oga completely and making whole other website
no need to wait for that you can make new game licenses and host game art on a new site right now
of coarse we have no idea how to help you there is no details
if you did a all kinds of troubleshooting dont keep it a secret what did you do what are the symptoms
uploading music works fine for me
cause its better than saying "BUMP"
yes i know the zip files have a lot more then preview does but my point is their all _technically_ unique but most of them _look_ the same
i bet i could make 2500 _unique_ axes from the ones in my link just by shifting the hue and messing with saturation and swapping around the shafts but it doent make them _different_ enough to be very more useful anyone can do that kind of stuff in a 2 minutes so it doent save most downloaders very much time for what they could do on their own with less axes
i was just saying about 5 unique ones meaning the basic recognizable shape is only about 5
i zoomed in on the preview image and i woud say the axes kind of repeat every 5 columns
double square blade
double tapered blade
single tapered blade
single tapered blade with rounded top
single triangle blade
the colors and shafts and the other differences are not really very different enough for my eye to care
like this has less than 100 axes but my eye can tell exactly the difference between them right away that is all im saying
the part about multiple post is not a big deal if your posting one new upload a day but 4 all at once could all be together as one big upload of 10000 wepons axes stafs swords spears all together but hey im not admin so prolly ignore this part haha