With CC0/public domain, the license on derivative works can be changed to anything. For other licenses, it has to be a compatible license. For example, OGA BY -> CC BY -> CC BY-SA is fine. But CC BY-SA -> CC BY -> OGA BY is not okay.
Edit: Remember, using CC0 relinquishes all of your rights to the work & dedicates it to the public domain.
Used one of your trees to create an apple tree:
Thanks Varkalander. I remixed some of these into a more 2D cartoonish style.
Very good work.
Created a floor tileset using your skull. Thanks again.
These look great bleutailfly!
With CC0/public domain, the license on derivative works can be changed to anything. For other licenses, it has to be a compatible license. For example, OGA BY -> CC BY -> CC BY-SA is fine. But CC BY-SA -> CC BY -> OGA BY is not okay.
Edit: Remember, using CC0 relinquishes all of your rights to the work & dedicates it to the public domain.
There might be some problems using the name "Pepsi" & the Pepsi logo with the CC BY license.
Edit: Other than that, I think it all looks great. Thank you for sharing.
@foxira8980: Yep, definitely Yar's tileset: https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/isometric-tileset-alien-city-1/
Um... scary.
The .xcf download only contains some shading & wall textures.