Some extra screenshots would be great, and some of the models could have some extra optimisation and poly-reduction added to them, but these are really good!
As someone who has *attempted* to create a collision & physics system, I highly recommend using a pre-built library. There is SO much that you have to do, and it's very difficult to say the least.
Simple collision detection isn't too complex. Using a bounding-box collision system, where you have a square for each collision object is one of the most simple and effective ways of doing collision.
What gets complex is when you have to work out what to do after that.
If two objects collide, do they bounce off of each other? How much friction is applied? How much do the objects weigh, and how does gravity and other external forces affect this? If a character collides with a wall, what actually stops him from clipping through the wall? If the characters velocity is too high or not stopped correctly, your character may get stuck in the wall or floor.
That's not even scratching the surface. There's so much more to think about...
Good luck with it though, let me know how it goes!
Good choice of art style for your game! This stuff looks really good on adverts too.
I found a few tutorials on this type of art style by searching for "digital painting cartoon characters tutorial". To change them to be this sort of style, use extremely bright and eye-catching colours!
Hey Zed, thank you! I'd love to see what you and anyone else makes using these, so feel free to throw a link here when you're done!!
These look awesome!!
Some extra screenshots would be great, and some of the models could have some extra optimisation and poly-reduction added to them, but these are really good!
I look forward to seeing more :D
Looks great!!
I'd say a little more folder structure would be good, so its easier to find certain elements, but overall these look brilliant!
Base your collision and physics off of a project that's already been done, and find out what physics engine it uses.
Box2D is probably the best library for 2D physics in my opinion. Just look at a tutorial to make it work, cause it is quite complex to implement.
As someone who has *attempted* to create a collision & physics system, I highly recommend using a pre-built library. There is SO much that you have to do, and it's very difficult to say the least.
Simple collision detection isn't too complex. Using a bounding-box collision system, where you have a square for each collision object is one of the most simple and effective ways of doing collision.
What gets complex is when you have to work out what to do after that.
If two objects collide, do they bounce off of each other? How much friction is applied? How much do the objects weigh, and how does gravity and other external forces affect this? If a character collides with a wall, what actually stops him from clipping through the wall? If the characters velocity is too high or not stopped correctly, your character may get stuck in the wall or floor.
That's not even scratching the surface. There's so much more to think about...
Good luck with it though, let me know how it goes!
(Look at Box2D if you give up ;) )
Hey InnerConflict!
Good choice of art style for your game! This stuff looks really good on adverts too.
I found a few tutorials on this type of art style by searching for "digital painting cartoon characters tutorial". To change them to be this sort of style, use extremely bright and eye-catching colours!
Check these tutorials out though! (Paid)
Hope this helps! :D