Bien, ya estoy en mi máquina. Mirá, tu carpeta de flare-game debería verse como la captura 1. Deberías tener una subcarpeta llamada tiled. Allí, deberías tener una subcarpeta llamada empyrean_campaign, como se ve en la captura 2. Allí están todos los mapas en formato .tmx, es decir, el formato de tiled (captura 3). Pero insisto, para abrir un mapa en Tiled, no hace falta que la extensión sea .tmx, puede ser .txt también.
Ahora veamos la cuestión desde Tiled. Clickeá la opción "Open File" (captura 4). Fijate la ruta en la captura 5. Abre cualquier mapa. Yo abrí Black Oack City. El resultado se ve en la captura 6. Si hacés zoom y desactivás las pestañas correspondientes, el resultado final es el de la captura 7.
Bueno, ya que preguntás, no, no comparto vuestra opinión. No creo que haya desidia, sino falta de tiempo. Esto es algo que hacemos en nuestro tiempo libre, nadie nos paga por hacerlo. Todo el trabajo realizado es voluntario. Se valora la inciativa, es decir: si falta algo, trata de agregarlo vos mismo. Por ejemplo, la documentación. No es estrictamente necesario que haya documentación para que el juego funcione. Pero si querés que haya documentación, tratá de incorporarla vos mismo al projecto. Yo estoy haciendo algo en ese sentido, estoy preparando una suerte de guía. Pero insisto, es algo que hago en mi tiempo libre, como voluntario, nadie me paga por ello. Por eso no siento que tenga la obligación de hacerlo, lo hago simplemente porque me divierte.
No es necesario que el formato sea .tmx, podés abrir mapas en formato de texto simple (.txt) usando tiled. Intentá abrir alguno de esos a ver qué sucede.
Todavía no volví a mi ciudad natal, pero puedo comentarte algunas cosas acerca de Tiled. Por lo que se ve en tus capturas de pantalla, hay tres problemas distintos. Estás queriendo abrir un Tileset isométrico, pero la configuración del mapa está puesta en "orthogonal" (por eso ves cuadraditos en vez de diamantes). El segundo problema es que el tamaño de los "tiles" es muy pequeño en cuanto a la configuración, por eso parece "chopped". El último problema es que estás usando un tileset compactado, es decir, que fue generado con el flare sprite sheet packer. Eso se usa para otras cuestiones, no tanto para crear mapas en Tiled.
Mi sugerencia es que intentes abrir un mapa de la campaña empírica. Ve a Open File y todo ese rollo, buscá en la carpeta de la Empyrean Campain la subcarpeta de mapas, y abrí alguno como Perdition Harbor o Fort Amir.
Cuando regrese a mi ciudad te adjunto unas capturas de pantalla y trato de guiarte paso a paso.
Thanks for playing my mod! Yeah some of the powers are totally broken, I never finished configuring them (I got bored). I don't think I'll finish Skeleton Quest, there's not really much to it. About the models, I didn't really create any of them, they were taken from fantasy core (except for a few tweaks to the different armors).
I'm about to travel to another city today, I'll be back during the weekend. I'll see if I can write something to get you started on loading Flare maps in Tiled and all that.
One last note, regarding C++. There's nothing to fear. If you're learning the language, there's really nothing you can do that will actually break your operating system or your hardware, even if you produce a memory leak or a segmentation fault or whatever. That being said, it is possible to break both your operating system and even your hardware with a program writen in C++, but that would require that you do something increadibly malicious, like writing a virus. Since that is not what you will be doing when you are learning it, there is nothing to fear.
I made a mod a few months back called "Skeleton Quest". It's playable, but I never really finished polishing it. Based on that experience, I'll just share some random thoughts.
The first would be that, in order to make a new mod, you don't need to modify the engine itself at all. It's fun to do so, sure, especially if you don't mind breaking it over and over again. I can't remember how many segmentation faults and core dumps I caused do to my subpar knowledge of C++. But the good news is that you don't really need to do this for a new mod.
Dorkster wrote a tutorial on how to get started with modding, you might want to check out that if you haven't already.
For a fantasy core style mod, I would suggest that you copy the entire Empyrean Campaign folder, and give it some test name, like "Messing With Empyrean" or whatever you like. Then start by doing small stuff. Change the dialogs of the NPCs, make Udana say "Hello World!" or something.
Then try to get more familiar with Tiled, which is the map editor that Flare uses. Put more .png sprite sheets in the enemies image folder, maybe use the modified minotaur that you made. Mess around with the enemie's stats, like the amount of xp you get for slaying them.
In general, just tinker with everything, even if you break stuff. That might not be the most reasonable advice, but hey... you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.
That looks exactly like what looked like in the beginning! It definately has the same vibe, with the featured artist section, the sketchbooks, etc. Wow. I'll have to check it out in more detail, but it looks really, really close to what I had in mind. Thanks for sharing!
There was one guy in particular, I can't remember his name. But he had a sketchbook and his first post was something along these lines: "Ok people, I'm a breadmaker and I'm my forties. I don't know anything about art but I want to learn. I'm going to post one drawing every day, feel free to criticize."
His first post was a drawing of a cube. Like those cubes that you scribble when you're bored and have nothing else to do. And it was really bad, the perspective was off, the lines were wobbly. So people pointed that out to him and he said "Alright, I'll post a better cube tomorrow". This went on for days, then months, then years. He drew people, cars, animals, clothes, etc. Every time that he started a new subject, it was bad. But you could see an overall improvement. And every time he posted something, people commented on how he could fix this or that thing to make the picture better. After 4 or 5 years, he ended up with a really good level, way better than the rest of us. He selected his best pieces and he put together a portfolio, and he ended up working part time as a freelance artist.
That journey was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen. I don't know if the guy quit his day job or not, but seeing someone going from zero knowledge to working artist, even if it was a part time thing, was very inspirational.
Bien, ya estoy en mi máquina. Mirá, tu carpeta de flare-game debería verse como la captura 1. Deberías tener una subcarpeta llamada tiled. Allí, deberías tener una subcarpeta llamada empyrean_campaign, como se ve en la captura 2. Allí están todos los mapas en formato .tmx, es decir, el formato de tiled (captura 3). Pero insisto, para abrir un mapa en Tiled, no hace falta que la extensión sea .tmx, puede ser .txt también.
Ahora veamos la cuestión desde Tiled. Clickeá la opción "Open File" (captura 4). Fijate la ruta en la captura 5. Abre cualquier mapa. Yo abrí Black Oack City. El resultado se ve en la captura 6. Si hacés zoom y desactivás las pestañas correspondientes, el resultado final es el de la captura 7.
Bueno, ya que preguntás, no, no comparto vuestra opinión. No creo que haya desidia, sino falta de tiempo. Esto es algo que hacemos en nuestro tiempo libre, nadie nos paga por hacerlo. Todo el trabajo realizado es voluntario. Se valora la inciativa, es decir: si falta algo, trata de agregarlo vos mismo. Por ejemplo, la documentación. No es estrictamente necesario que haya documentación para que el juego funcione. Pero si querés que haya documentación, tratá de incorporarla vos mismo al projecto. Yo estoy haciendo algo en ese sentido, estoy preparando una suerte de guía. Pero insisto, es algo que hago en mi tiempo libre, como voluntario, nadie me paga por ello. Por eso no siento que tenga la obligación de hacerlo, lo hago simplemente porque me divierte.
No es necesario que el formato sea .tmx, podés abrir mapas en formato de texto simple (.txt) usando tiled. Intentá abrir alguno de esos a ver qué sucede.
Todavía no volví a mi ciudad natal, pero puedo comentarte algunas cosas acerca de Tiled. Por lo que se ve en tus capturas de pantalla, hay tres problemas distintos. Estás queriendo abrir un Tileset isométrico, pero la configuración del mapa está puesta en "orthogonal" (por eso ves cuadraditos en vez de diamantes). El segundo problema es que el tamaño de los "tiles" es muy pequeño en cuanto a la configuración, por eso parece "chopped". El último problema es que estás usando un tileset compactado, es decir, que fue generado con el flare sprite sheet packer. Eso se usa para otras cuestiones, no tanto para crear mapas en Tiled.
Mi sugerencia es que intentes abrir un mapa de la campaña empírica. Ve a Open File y todo ese rollo, buscá en la carpeta de la Empyrean Campain la subcarpeta de mapas, y abrí alguno como Perdition Harbor o Fort Amir.
Cuando regrese a mi ciudad te adjunto unas capturas de pantalla y trato de guiarte paso a paso.
¿Hablás castellano? Pregunto por las capturas de pantalla.
Thanks for playing my mod! Yeah some of the powers are totally broken, I never finished configuring them (I got bored). I don't think I'll finish Skeleton Quest, there's not really much to it. About the models, I didn't really create any of them, they were taken from fantasy core (except for a few tweaks to the different armors).
I'm about to travel to another city today, I'll be back during the weekend. I'll see if I can write something to get you started on loading Flare maps in Tiled and all that.
Here's his tutorial, maybe you've seen it already:
And you might also want to check out the attribute list:
About the starting map, take a look at /flare-game/mods/empyrean_campaign/maps/spawn.txt
Here is what it says:
# this file is automatically loaded when a New Game starts.
# it's a dummy map to send the player to the actual starting point.
One last note, regarding C++. There's nothing to fear. If you're learning the language, there's really nothing you can do that will actually break your operating system or your hardware, even if you produce a memory leak or a segmentation fault or whatever. That being said, it is possible to break both your operating system and even your hardware with a program writen in C++, but that would require that you do something increadibly malicious, like writing a virus. Since that is not what you will be doing when you are learning it, there is nothing to fear.
I made a mod a few months back called "Skeleton Quest". It's playable, but I never really finished polishing it. Based on that experience, I'll just share some random thoughts.
The first would be that, in order to make a new mod, you don't need to modify the engine itself at all. It's fun to do so, sure, especially if you don't mind breaking it over and over again. I can't remember how many segmentation faults and core dumps I caused do to my subpar knowledge of C++. But the good news is that you don't really need to do this for a new mod.
Dorkster wrote a tutorial on how to get started with modding, you might want to check out that if you haven't already.
For a fantasy core style mod, I would suggest that you copy the entire Empyrean Campaign folder, and give it some test name, like "Messing With Empyrean" or whatever you like. Then start by doing small stuff. Change the dialogs of the NPCs, make Udana say "Hello World!" or something.
Then try to get more familiar with Tiled, which is the map editor that Flare uses. Put more .png sprite sheets in the enemies image folder, maybe use the modified minotaur that you made. Mess around with the enemie's stats, like the amount of xp you get for slaying them.
In general, just tinker with everything, even if you break stuff. That might not be the most reasonable advice, but hey... you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.
: O
That looks exactly like what looked like in the beginning! It definately has the same vibe, with the featured artist section, the sketchbooks, etc. Wow. I'll have to check it out in more detail, but it looks really, really close to what I had in mind. Thanks for sharing!
There was one guy in particular, I can't remember his name. But he had a sketchbook and his first post was something along these lines: "Ok people, I'm a breadmaker and I'm my forties. I don't know anything about art but I want to learn. I'm going to post one drawing every day, feel free to criticize."
His first post was a drawing of a cube. Like those cubes that you scribble when you're bored and have nothing else to do. And it was really bad, the perspective was off, the lines were wobbly. So people pointed that out to him and he said "Alright, I'll post a better cube tomorrow". This went on for days, then months, then years. He drew people, cars, animals, clothes, etc. Every time that he started a new subject, it was bad. But you could see an overall improvement. And every time he posted something, people commented on how he could fix this or that thing to make the picture better. After 4 or 5 years, he ended up with a really good level, way better than the rest of us. He selected his best pieces and he put together a portfolio, and he ended up working part time as a freelance artist.
That journey was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen. I don't know if the guy quit his day job or not, but seeing someone going from zero knowledge to working artist, even if it was a part time thing, was very inspirational.