Preview doesn't do this one justice, that looks great for only 5 frames! Even though it also appears to depend on an animated path to get the result in the gif.
Unsplash license was very compatible with OGA, last I looked.
It looks like AliHamieh started from a highly blurred version of the photo that MedicineStorm (very helpfully) found, then used clone stamping and filters to add detail back in. You can still see the ghost of the tree trunk on the right hand side, which Ali tried to remove. One of the cloned brushes has produced a flying tree.
Technopeasant brought me here by resubmitting this. Just a few seconds later I would have missed it, because MedicineStorm removed the repeat submission...
I guess that's as close to a "share" as can be done on OGA?
Preview doesn't do this one justice, that looks great for only 5 frames! Even though it also appears to depend on an animated path to get the result in the gif.
Is this concept art? It looks like concept art. There's a whole separate category for that.
Another reminder that there is an expanded version:
I see y'all still landing on this one because it has all the faves.
The link goes to Dragon Battle now. Where's Janayana?
(Dragon Battle seems pretty cool and fun, but I'm really curious about Janayana)
There's also at least one other Pico-8 city set on OGA somewhere... from quite recently, I think.
Unsplash license was very compatible with OGA, last I looked.
It looks like AliHamieh started from a highly blurred version of the photo that MedicineStorm (very helpfully) found, then used clone stamping and filters to add detail back in. You can still see the ghost of the tree trunk on the right hand side, which Ali tried to remove. One of the cloned brushes has produced a flying tree.
It's still a decent piece of work, I think.
"If you want to support my work, please help by sharing, following and commenting."
E.g. on X-twitter, I think that "sharing" would be a retweet (or reX or whatever it is supposed to be called now).
The Gospel of Lycan Subscribe.
GrafxKid is back!
Technopeasant brought me here by resubmitting this. Just a few seconds later I would have missed it, because MedicineStorm removed the repeat submission...
I guess that's as close to a "share" as can be done on OGA?
The way that they morph from anime hyper-girlie to serious as I scan them from feet to head, is fascinating.
And they look incredible (despite all the gear impracticalities).