Totally with you on the oddities of the creative process. Something were not supposed to understand I guess.
I once had a creative block that lasted for almost a year, frustrated me to the point where I became totally demotivated. Then earlier this year around Jan time I had a dream and bam, haven't stopped since. Couple of times I thought I had burnt myself out, now I realise I just need to take up music theory.
I've taken an interest making RNG and modular based music now, such a joy to work with.
Just to be clear, I don't want to come across sounding ungrateful and it's not that I don't appreciate your ongoing efforts keeping order here. I'm just thinking about the amount of time you spend having to address every flagged submission.
I agree, an extra notice regarding the submission of copyrighted content near where the tick box "Is this your own work?" Maybe we could also address the issue of new users submission flooding rather than condensing.
Sometimes you just have to spell it out for folks.
I really enjoy (and at the same time loath) how easily some tracks take shape in just a few days and then others that have remained half finished for years.
Just a friendly tip, when you want add multiple submissions it's better to put them all under one as a courtesy to others. This way those who added content before you don't get washed out.
Totally with you on the oddities of the creative process. Something were not supposed to understand I guess.
I once had a creative block that lasted for almost a year, frustrated me to the point where I became totally demotivated. Then earlier this year around Jan time I had a dream and bam, haven't stopped since. Couple of times I thought I had burnt myself out, now I realise I just need to take up music theory.
I've taken an interest making RNG and modular based music now, such a joy to work with.
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback from folks.
It took some time to get the sound right but overall it feels like the track made itself.
Recently I've been working on a couple of new ideas and exploring sound design to keep things original and unique.
Just to be clear, I don't want to come across sounding ungrateful and it's not that I don't appreciate your ongoing efforts keeping order here. I'm just thinking about the amount of time you spend having to address every flagged submission.
Would be possible to implement a cool-down timer between submissions?
I agree, an extra notice regarding the submission of copyrighted content near where the tick box "Is this your own work?" Maybe we could also address the issue of new users submission flooding rather than condensing.
Sometimes you just have to spell it out for folks.
Thanks :D
I really enjoy (and at the same time loath) how easily some tracks take shape in just a few days and then others that have remained half finished for years.
This really is quite lovely, very emotive.
Just a friendly tip, when you want add multiple submissions it's better to put them all under one as a courtesy to others. This way those who added content before you don't get washed out.
Your preview file has a problem, sound file corrupt?
Added a drumless version of the alternate variation as per request.
Added an alternate version as per request.