Base Tiles
Sunday, August 27, 2017 - 15:44
Art Type:
Base Tileset
Create easy platform for testing purpose to test your character
or create a platform to replace later with any art from either
your own or others.
Base Tiles.png
Base Tiles.psd (include seperate tiles, 1 tilemap for fast coloring)
Added Corner pieces in all directions
Added a solid block
Added color set, which can be used for traps, doors, obstacle or
as desert, ice, lava, cave levels, include darker color for background or
for jump/fall through obstacle.
Zip file (original 1 color, png + psd)
Zip file multi color set (png only)
Have fun creating Maps :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
None, Feel free to re-color, edit, add.
Credits are not need :) A simple "thank you" is appreciated.

I made a game that uses a modified version of your tileset - here it is if you want to check it out! Thank you very much!
I checked, and it seems to alter to very light blue color, I also check out the small demo (3 levels)
which seems a kinda bit low. I looks really nice, as I love puzzle games.
your welcome, as I originally made as base for later the actual, but low graphic game is also a
nice idea like yours.
Keep up the good work, I hope it become a success (but try to set an option for Window Mode
and Full Screen (as I dont like forced Full Screen).
Thank you for the suggestion of optional windowed mode! I didn't realize anyone cared about that. If you email me at, I will send you a free version of the game updated with the fullscreen being optional.