Rail Basic assets v1
Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 09:57
Art Type:
- 3D - Packs
- 3D Quake Mod
- 3D Stuff - Interesting
- 3D Terrain Assets
- Awesome Low Poly
- Car game for Lee
- CCBY Building Kit
- CCBY Buildings
- CCBY Vehicles
- City Simulation
- HQ Items Exteriors & Landscapes
- Isometric assets buildings and more
- Low Poly
- Low Poly Game Assets
- Low Poly Stuff
- LowPoly Environment
- modular 3D asset packs
- Morgan's Favorites
- Pixel city
- Something
- Telecom
This railroad assets is an expansion for the landscape assets.
It containes single tracked tiles, a train with 4 parts, a platform, bridge, road crossing and tunnel.
The tiles can be mixed with all previously released assets to create more diverse and interesting mobility options.
The train is unrigged and does not follow tracks. All tiles uses the same textures as previous assets.
An extended version of this package will be released on the blendermarket and unity store when finished.
That pack will contain double tracks, more trains, signalizations, more landscape posibilities.. separated materials and maybe.... vertex colors.

Um... YES!!!!
you're welcome... make good use of this and my other assets ;)
Yes! This will work great for my Tycoon Terrain engine! Thanks!
The engine in it current state (without rails yet though)
looks great so far. keep us updated :)
Thanks! Submitted to asset store today! In the readme file I linked to your account here on OGA and on Unity asset store as good sources for additional assets to use for it.
Do you have any more plans for assets like this one?
I have some assers planned in the same style.
They should come out in the coming weeks ans months.
Awesome! To make a full "Transport Tycoon"-like world I think some more types of vehicles and buildings would be really nice...
After waiting almost 3 weeks my engine is now up on asset store! Thanks a lot for publishing CC0 assets, they really make the engine shine a lot more. I think maybe I'll update it a bit more later on to support larger maps (currently you don't want to go above 512x512) and maybe some procedural city generation and stuff. In the application for asset store sales I also mentioned that my engine would work well in a bundle with assets like yours and eg "Simple buildings - Cartoon city".
Now I just need to figure out a simple game to make, I want to keep it a bit simpler than Transport Tycoon for a first iteration, maybe some type of idle game, sort of like my demo that's linked in the asset store
Here's the asset on the store BTW:
Amazing artwork!! Thanks for sharing ;)
Do you have this in other formats like you do with your other sets?
i would like make my first game using your assets is it ok?
Sure, go ahead.
share a link to what you made with them. I love to see it in use.
good luck!