Skull Bastard Sword
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 18:13
Art Type:
3D render of "Bastardsword_001 Concept" by Misha
Contains a 125 poly sword with 256x256 and optional 1024x1024 normal maps. Also contains the 750 poly sword used to bake those normals.
Additional QuickTime preview of the high poly sword (drag the play cursor back and forth to rotate the model, or set the video to Loop)
Attribution Instructions:
Concept by Misha. Model by Clint Bellanger

Great stuff as always pfunked - mirrors the concept very well too.
PS: I don't really know much about this stuff, but wouldn't the texture memory needed for a 1024x1024 normal map be a harder performance hit than an extra 625 polygons?
The large normal map would be a memory hit for sure, but I don't know about performance hit. I only included the large version in case someone wanted to hand-edit it or create another size.
750 polygons felt like "splurging" to me, but that's probably an okay poly count for current gen games. I didn't unwrap that higher poly one; if someone needs it unwrapped let me know.
Very good model! Amazingly low polycount and still looks like million €!