Viking Sprite
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 20:42
Art Type:
Here are some sprites to a viking game that never really got off the ground, figured its time to let some programmers have fun with him.
He has a
3 hit attack
air attack.
I never got a chance to make a hit animation, or a death animation, and im sorry about that. if someone really wants me to, and they make something really good then get back to me.
Theres a troll that comes with this guy, Ill be uploading him and the backgrounds at a later date.
Attribution Instructions:
Place viking sprite by Mindchamber, with a small picture of my logo (in the file).

fantastic work.
hope to see more art from you, as one day i would love to make a simple casual mobile game with your wonderful art
fantastic, thanks for sharing
Ive been getting emails asking for a death and hit animation for the viking, I don't really have the time , but when I do, I will try and update the file with more animations.
thanks for the nice feedback
I am new to the forum and getting back into game desing, with you permission you have a lot of characters that I will be using and I am giving you full credit, I have read that you do give permission but I believe that it is still proper to ask first and obtain permission out of respect.
Hello MindChamber sir,i am new to gaming and i am very impressed with your artwork. I am using your Viking in my android game as hero without the hammer. My drawing is very poor compared to you sir so pls pardon me if ive made poor hammer replacement. I will put u in credit in my next update. Pls show me your logo to put it in credits. Here is your Viking in action.
Thank you...
Hope you like it "Greedy Viking" -
Nice job, fun game too. It gets a little tricky with the tilt controls but it's cool that you tried something different with that. Also the logo was in the zoo, but it's fine you don't have to add it. Once again great job!
Hi MindChamber, I've made a jump and run (and slay) game on Android called Sky Bridge using your viking and troll sprites. I have to make my own death animation that might be look very generic. Hope you like it.
Game is here:
That link isn't working for me :(
Ouch, I hope this one work
Wow that was great! Nice job!..really liked it and you did a good job matching the background art as well!...very cool..if you like I could try and whip up a death animation..probably wouldn't be able to start it till monday, but let me know!
thanks again for picking my stuff for your game!
I am really glad that you liked it. And if you make a new death animation, I will happily plug it into the game in an instant. Just don't forget to tell me once it done.
I am always a fan of your artworks, anyway!
Thanks!..I've been kinds giving up on art but kind words like yours always helps..btw what engine did you make this game in? Do you use unity?
Yes I am using Unity. It is the fastest in terms of game prototyping and development by now. Especially for mini games like Sky Bridge.
If only HTML5 have tool with the same level of simplicity, then I'll jump in into HTML5. Unity is great, but the products has overhead about 9MB just like anything produced by AIR SDK or Lua-based SDK.
Hopefully you'll stay into game arts. We'll be missing your creative work if you don't.
Thanks, well after almost 3 years of struggling as a freelancer I lost the love for the art. And was tired of always being broke, so I got a regular job...I'm trying to get back into the art game,but I'm taking baby I'll be helping with props and enemy animations on that new "madness nexus " that's excitin....actually if you're interested if had a game design based on a runner in the backburner... (if you've ever played the survival level in my MBOT game it's something like that). Eitherway..let me know.!
Sorry to hear that. I tought that with your works and reputation in gaming, you will get enough for a living. I myself am struggling with the change in indie gaming environments. These side project is my tool to research the market of mini games. Hopefully I will find a way to put these games in front of everyone soon.
Glad to hear that Madness Nexus is entering greenlight. Will it be still 2.5D or full 3D? I am also hope that The Swine will reiterate his Mastermind WC title. That was one of my favorite game.
As for the next project, I might will remake Heavy Terror Machine as another running game soon after the next board/strategy game published next week. If you have any suggestion on the title or game design just tell me.
Anyway, MBOT-like game seems to be great on mobile devices. Evenmore interesting if there is timing puzzle aspects involved with the control system. Let me dig up on it through Heavy Terror Machine assets.
Thanks for this resource. We used it in our game programming summer camp this year.
haha great work!! thats pretty coo!
Please dont forget about this pack!
i love this artwork and would love to see more stuff added to this. Great job!
This art is awesome! I'm working with a group on a video game project for school, with a viking teddy bear theme. This guy would be one of the antagonists. I would love it if there were hit/death animations to go along with this...
bro ill be using your characters in my game project