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- Bug in Revisions tab? by Emcee Flesher
- Change Username Requests by TaraSophieDev
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Refractored Depths (Need help with a main character sprite) by xianc78
- GLB and GLTF 3D file formats by LonesomeDucky
- Synths that sound like this track from Galaga Legions DX by AGameCreatorOfA...
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- Re: demon voice by Tim Rockk
- Re: Simple Character Template by RadThadd
- Re: demon voice by Will Papeteiro
- Re: Cyberpunk Portraits by n64guy
- Re: Spacecraft - Enemy Red Big One by Vegeta9000
- Re: Spacecraft - Enemy Red Big One by MedicineStorm
- Re: Spacecraft - Enemy Red Big One by Vegeta9000
- Re: Space Arp by Windheart_dev
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Name | Points |
GDquest | 101 |
Stagnation | 100 |
Atmostatic | 100 |
migfus20 | 99 |
northivanastan | 99 |
laetissima | 99 |
Tarush Singhal | 98 |
rgsdev | 98 |
One Man Army | 98 |
LarryIRL | 97 |
brightretro | 97 |
Nikke | 97 |
Sindwiller | 97 |
phoenix1291 | 96 |
Corey Archer | 96 |
clayster2012 | 96 |
Xavier4321 | 96 |
thehumbug | 96 |
Improbable Cadence | 95 |
Gem | 95 |
MetaShinryu | 95 |
ShatteredReality | 94 |
Vehicle | 94 |
phaelax | 94 |
bleutailfly | 93 |
PagDev | 93 |
lancelot_gao | 93 |
practicing01 | 93 |
BossLevelVGM | 93 |
Misha | 93 |
JoesAlotofthings | 92 |
AdebGameSoft | 92 |
Miroko | 92 |
pbondoer | 92 |
robotality | 92 |
Svenstaro | 92 |
anarres | 91 |
IsometricRobot | 91 |
Pompei2 | 91 |
Arthur | 91 |
mauriku | 90 |
David Harrington | 90 |
darkagent | 90 |
josehzz | 89 |
IndigoFenix | 89 |
zaphgames | 89 |
Fantasy Musica | 89 |
Pong Man | 89 |
TheNess | 89 |