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- Bug in Revisions tab? by Emcee Flesher
- Change Username Requests by TaraSophieDev
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Refractored Depths (Need help with a main character sprite) by xianc78
- GLB and GLTF 3D file formats by LonesomeDucky
- Synths that sound like this track from Galaga Legions DX by AGameCreatorOfA...
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- Re: demon voice by Tim Rockk
- Re: Simple Character Template by RadThadd
- Re: demon voice by Will Papeteiro
- Re: Cyberpunk Portraits by n64guy
- Re: Spacecraft - Enemy Red Big One by Vegeta9000
- Re: Spacecraft - Enemy Red Big One by MedicineStorm
- Re: Spacecraft - Enemy Red Big One by Vegeta9000
- Re: Space Arp by Windheart_dev
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Name | Points |
cyanowl | 89 |
Rafaelchm | 89 |
Stefan Beller | 89 |
ztn | 88 |
Doodle | 88 |
lasercheese | 88 |
Eldritch Grim | 87 |
glitchart | 87 |
LittleSadNerd | 87 |
.bee | 86 |
ashishlko11 | 86 |
biodegradableguy | 86 |
pixelartm | 86 |
SygilBatBoi | 86 |
russpuppy | 86 |
saint11 | 86 |
OhjiroChan | 86 |
dorkster | 86 |
Iconoclast | 86 |
drakzlin | 85 |
madameberry | 85 |
Magnesus | 85 |
Monster Logix Studio | 85 |
knittel | 85 |
Aare | 85 |
Dizzy Crow | 84 |
DeadlyEssence01 | 84 |
doudoulolita | 84 |
Santoniche | 83 |
UnkleMikey | 83 |
AR | 83 |
PetterTheSturgeon | 83 |
Roars Games | 83 |
madmarcel | 83 |
Yamilian | 83 |
Ocean | 83 |
RayB2 | 82 |
elmerenges | 82 |
LetargicDev | 82 |
Patrick Maney | 82 |
OptimusDu | 81 |
IllusionOfMana | 81 |
flavio | 81 |
Glitch Squirrel | 81 |
Android128 | 81 |
Nirdia Entertainment | 81 |
Soundlust | 81 |
ak-blanc | 80 |
ImpossibleRealms | 80 |
themightyglider | 79 |