inb4 "mod is outdated use fl studio lmms it dont support vst's etc"
The nice thing about the format is that it self-serves as the source for easy GPL compliance. I try to encourage this format for my project for years to no avail :(
and then there's the strange issue of some games 'updating' mod music to OGG instead, destroying their looping, making the game's filesize much larger as well as more dependency and overhead. Forks of TuxRacer come to mind
Another big problem are samples. There's not many Free Software compliant instrument samples out there that sound good which could be a factor into VST reliance...
inb4 "mod is outdated use fl studio lmms it dont support vst's etc"
The nice thing about the format is that it self-serves as the source for easy GPL compliance. I try to encourage this format for my project for years to no avail :(
and then there's the strange issue of some games 'updating' mod music to OGG instead, destroying their looping, making the game's filesize much larger as well as more dependency and overhead. Forks of TuxRacer come to mind
Another big problem are samples. There's not many Free Software compliant instrument samples out there that sound good which could be a factor into VST reliance...
Oh wow. Commissioning just to blatantly rip off Warcraft II's art, down to the palette? See this sprite sheet and tell me this isn't derivative...
and it's not surprising considering the artist's other work.
This comment goes for the rest of those icons.
You think they would take sounds from a recent video, clean it up, and somehow turn back time to release them in 1992?
for a site that avoids trademarks in artwork, you sure are happy to use well-known protected trademarks for names of contests.
so apparently attached images can't be deleted?
I give up.
I've seen nudity on this site for a couple of the basemeshes. Thumbnails for one of them censored them
Tentacle acolytes.
Good luck giving a setting-mishmashy arena game a story.
I like the gun, and the face reminds me of McGee Alice.