Thanks so much! I will be using more than the potato sprites, that was just an example to better explain my question. This way sounds much easier than keeping track of each individual sprite for credit.
I'm currently using a mixture of the CC0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0. I'm just unsure on if I have to list the specific authors next to every single sprite I'd use for the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0 ones or if I can just say that the assets are from x ,y, z and then provide the link.
For example, let's say I wanted to use all the potatoes which have different authors. Would I need to say:
Credits for sweet potatoes, gold potatoes, and purple tomatoes go to bluecarrot16 and daneeklu (link)
Credits for russet potatoes go to bluecarrot16 and Joshua Taylor (link).
could I simply say:
Credits for all potatoes go to bluecarrot16, daneeklu, and Joshua Taylor (link).
I have a quick question regarding the CCO licensing. I've read the .txt file that shows the different artists and credits and such, but I'm unsure as to how I'd provide the credit. Can I use a blanket credit stating something like:
Credits for all food assets use go to: bluecarrot16, Daniel Eddeland (daneeklu), Joshua Taylor, Richard Kettering (Jetrel), thekingphoenix, RedVoxel, and Molly "Cougarmint" Willits
Thanks so much! I will be using more than the potato sprites, that was just an example to better explain my question. This way sounds much easier than keeping track of each individual sprite for credit.
I'm currently using a mixture of the CC0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0. I'm just unsure on if I have to list the specific authors next to every single sprite I'd use for the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPL 3.0 ones or if I can just say that the assets are from x ,y, z and then provide the link.
For example, let's say I wanted to use all the potatoes which have different authors. Would I need to say:
Credits for sweet potatoes, gold potatoes, and purple tomatoes go to bluecarrot16 and daneeklu (link)
Credits for russet potatoes go to bluecarrot16 and Joshua Taylor (link).
could I simply say:
Credits for all potatoes go to bluecarrot16, daneeklu, and Joshua Taylor (link).
I have a quick question regarding the CCO licensing. I've read the .txt file that shows the different artists and credits and such, but I'm unsure as to how I'd provide the credit. Can I use a blanket credit stating something like:
Credits for all food assets use go to: bluecarrot16, Daniel Eddeland (daneeklu), Joshua Taylor, Richard Kettering (Jetrel), thekingphoenix, RedVoxel, and Molly "Cougarmint" Willits
or do I need to credit each individual for each specific food used in my game?