Hey, Can I ask what an Ideal speed is for the walking animation, I am trying to implement it and my speed and animation seem to be offset by quite a substantial margin, I can adapt the animation speed and the movement speed if needed. Thanks, Pizzaman-19
Can I ask about where you got the wave rings from behind the ship or are those just simple rings?
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry! Pleeeeeeeeeeease don't call the cops!(I'll remove the tag)
Honestly I just was coming up with tags, if you want me to remove it then I can.
This is awesome! Thanks for publishing!
Yah, he's on a streak
Okay, sorry
Hey, Can I ask what an Ideal speed is for the walking animation, I am trying to implement it and my speed and animation seem to be offset by quite a substantial margin, I can adapt the animation speed and the movement speed if needed. Thanks, Pizzaman-19