It was for you, im pleased that a lot of people (programmers) use unity3d.
Truly the idea to make a psychedelic special stage (such as on sonic 1-2) it's came up listening this song and trying IABO, so... i dunno if i'll do that, cause i havent yet a precise idea of what can i do, but im really interested to create even a "special stage" that changes a bit the gameplay, and add this song on the game. I'll contact you if i use the song and/or i want to make you try the game. Anyhow the game (that im doing with unity) is a colorful platform with sections in 2d and 3d. Thanks for the idea!
interesting... with the kenney ui pack the flat-cartoon style is complete
So flat. Cool!
With the Landscape Asset V1-V2, we can build a racing game using even only your assets :D
It was for you, im pleased that a lot of people (programmers) use unity3d.
Truly the idea to make a psychedelic special stage (such as on sonic 1-2) it's came up listening this song and trying IABO, so... i dunno if i'll do that, cause i havent yet a precise idea of what can i do, but im really interested to create even a "special stage" that changes a bit the gameplay, and add this song on the game. I'll contact you if i use the song and/or i want to make you try the game. Anyhow the game (that im doing with unity) is a colorful platform with sections in 2d and 3d. Thanks for the idea!
it's lovely ^^, especially the guitar. It's perfect for the ending, an happy menu or something like that.
Great! reminds me space
can i make a "remix" or cut this song? the final part is perfect.
I think i'll use it on a psychedelic special stage o r something like that... (are also you using unity?!)