About your suggestions they are good suggestions, i understand all what you have suggested and i agree with you. But this particular pack was made in the beginning for me, to make a game in Construct 2, but i chaged my mind and posted the images to someone use. This is why i have so many images in the pack with diferent colours and some extras.
Yes, is everything made by me, and i can change it, making modifications to the images, and tranforme it in other images. But this images posted in OpenGameArt will not change, and will always be free to use.
Yes, i and everyone can use it in commercial games.
The olny attribution that i ask if anyone use this images is to credit me in the project in relation of the images, and a link if possible to https://carlosalface.blogspot.pt/.
I really apreciate if the people that use my images show me the projects when done, but this is just for my curiosity, nothing more, this not a rule, if the people that use the images don't wan't to show me the projects is ok.
More aliens in https://opengameart.org/content/cartoon-ufos-pack
Thanks for your words. I have allready checked the link and your project, looks very nice!
In my opinion the youtube video needs to have better quality, maybe could help the project to have more people interested.
Thanks again for your words.
About your suggestions they are good suggestions, i understand all what you have suggested and i agree with you. But this particular pack was made in the beginning for me, to make a game in Construct 2, but i chaged my mind and posted the images to someone use. This is why i have so many images in the pack with diferent colours and some extras.
Nice works :)
Take a look at this website:
Is a free on-line image editor, in this editor you can go to "Ajust" and then to pixelate to transform images to pixels. Maybe that can help you :)
More software for Pixel Art:
PIXELA - https://2ddentertainment.com/products_pag/p0006.htm
PISKEL - https://www.piskelapp.com/download
KRITA - https://krita.org/en/
PyxelOS - https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyxleos/
Are you doing pixel art?
Looks good.
Thanks for your opinion.
Yes, is everything made by me, and i can change it, making modifications to the images, and tranforme it in other images. But this images posted in OpenGameArt will not change, and will always be free to use.
Yes, i and everyone can use it in commercial games.
The olny attribution that i ask if anyone use this images is to credit me in the project in relation of the images, and a link if possible to https://carlosalface.blogspot.pt/.
I really apreciate if the people that use my images show me the projects when done, but this is just for my curiosity, nothing more, this not a rule, if the people that use the images don't wan't to show me the projects is ok.
Tonberry? What is a tonberry?
I had to google the name to Kow what is a tonberry lololol
Now i know :)
Thanks for your opinion. The name of the pack is changed :)
Best wishes for you to.
Thanks for your words, is nice to see that my work is apriciated :)
In your opinion what name can i set for this pack for more users to see it?