Thanks! I'm sorry for the lack of information, we need a lot of things in-game that decorate the world more. Outside of these models, you can also design entire levels if you like using your favorite modeling package. These can be dungeons, castles, entire landscapes, etc.
At the moment we need things like statues, scenery objects (rocks, trees, bushes), transports (trains, zeppelins, boats), models for chests/signs and a tutorial level. Let me know if that answers your question! I will update the Get Involved page later with more information.
If you like you can add me on Skype. My username is janssen.n, I can provide you with all the info you need!
@CruzR I'm sorry to hear about your performance. I'm not sure what causes it to be honest, it may be a WebGL issue altogether (since WebGL on itself is experimental, too)
@HaelDB Thanks for your interest! Just took a look at your reel, and I'm pretty impressed! We're in need of someone who can make sound effects, I believe you would be a perfect fit. Care to join me on Skype? My username is janssen.n
Thanks for your feedback. I don't have a ArchLinux system (or any linux system for that matter) to test with Chromium, so I cannot replicate your issue for now. However, I still have a Ubuntu LiveCD somewhere and will check that later!
Firefox has worse performance than Chrome, but 0.5 FPS is really extreme. You should still have a reasonable framerate.
The guest and sound error you're experiencing, I'm terribly sorry for that. I have no idea how you managed to get that error though, will investigate!
Hey there, a work performance simulator/game sounds awesome! Please let me know when you release it, would like to check it out.
Yep, it's CC0 licensed!
Sweet! Thanks for letting me know!
Super cool!
@Nebio awesome man!! I tried to play it but I'm on a mac and the download link doesn't seem to work
Thanks Argurth! Got a link?
We are using the zeppelins in Ironbane :D (though slightly modified) Thank you!
Note that we are in the middle of rewriting our website and we will add a Credits page soon.
Thanks! I'm sorry for the lack of information, we need a lot of things in-game that decorate the world more. Outside of these models, you can also design entire levels if you like using your favorite modeling package. These can be dungeons, castles, entire landscapes, etc.
At the moment we need things like statues, scenery objects (rocks, trees, bushes), transports (trains, zeppelins, boats), models for chests/signs and a tutorial level. Let me know if that answers your question! I will update the Get Involved page later with more information.
If you like you can add me on Skype. My username is janssen.n, I can provide you with all the info you need!
@CruzR I'm sorry to hear about your performance. I'm not sure what causes it to be honest, it may be a WebGL issue altogether (since WebGL on itself is experimental, too)
@HaelDB Thanks for your interest! Just took a look at your reel, and I'm pretty impressed! We're in need of someone who can make sound effects, I believe you would be a perfect fit. Care to join me on Skype? My username is janssen.n
Thanks for your feedback. I don't have a ArchLinux system (or any linux system for that matter) to test with Chromium, so I cannot replicate your issue for now. However, I still have a Ubuntu LiveCD somewhere and will check that later!
Firefox has worse performance than Chrome, but 0.5 FPS is really extreme. You should still have a reasonable framerate.
The guest and sound error you're experiencing, I'm terribly sorry for that. I have no idea how you managed to get that error though, will investigate!