Oh whoops, apologies for the redundant post then. I had done a brief search and hadn't seen your post.
I also hadn't noticed submissions where someone selects 3.0 but says it's really 4.0. That stinks! I assume that 4.0 cannot be freely relicensed as 3.0? It looks like there are probably terms which prevent that.
These are really great resources, thanks for sharing. The first one especially has some content that I really liked, but Josh Woodward's stuff was really incredible too. Ccmixter was confusing to navigate (yep, I officially sound old), so I wasn't able to find as much. But I'll keep poking around.
Good points. I think it could work well if it eventually got its own forum (not just a post, but whole forum alongside categories like "General Discussion", "Tutorials", "Resource Request", etc. And I think it deserves a link under the "Browse" menu, similar to Featured Tutorials. This would prevent it from getting buried, or being invisible.
However I think the front page latest art feed should remain dedicated to newly published assets, and I still don't think that game templates should be featured like that.
I also don't know If templates can or should be licensed the same way as other assets. I can imagine someone taking a set of CC0 and OGA-BY assets, combining them into a game template, then releasing that template under CC-BY-SA. Now if someone makes a similar looking game combining those assets, is the game required to be released as CC-BY-SA?
I think a forum guideline could spell out that all templates are CC0, and users only must abide by the licenses on the assets. If a whole new art category was created, it might be a pain in the butt to disable license selection on the submission page to default to CC0 when the uploader selects the "Game Template" radio button. And someone browsing the art may find a template, see that it is CC0, think the license is intended for the included art, and use it in a project without knowing it came from another source.
Interestingly, I think that collections are often used as a surrogate for project templates, or at least a place to store all assets someone wants to use in a project. I like that about them, because collections show up right on the page for the art itself. I think this would be a nice feature for game templates, so I guess that's another point for collections over forums. But I think collections may suffer from the same "get burried" problem that forums do.
I didn't mean to seem like I was shooting it down, I think it's a worthwhile idea, but I wanted to know how people thought it should integrate into the site.
I personally don't think game templates should be featured alongside the other art categories (eg featured in the latest art feed, most recent comments, etc...) because it seems tangential to the site's purpose. However, I think a dedicated forum is the perfect place for this. There is some precedent of the forums being used to post game templates, as well as linking game to a forum from the front page browse menu.
More seriously, where do you imagine the template section fitting in? Do you want another category (like 2D art, Sound effects, etc)? I notice there is a section there for "Featured Game Tutorials" which links to a manually currated subforum. Perhaps Bart could simply add a new Forum for Game Templates, and people post their ideas there.
You could get started by just posting them under General Discussion, as Bart did. Then, as MedicineStorm suggests, if they gain enough traction they may be moved to a dedicated forum, and/or a link may be added to the Browse menu on the main page.
@Cap and @Chris:
Regarding becoming mods, the FAQ suggests that you may contact Bart to volunteer under the "I'm not an artist" section.
Thanks Redshrike. I went ahead and sent Bart a message via the contact form.
Oh whoops, apologies for the redundant post then. I had done a brief search and hadn't seen your post.
I also hadn't noticed submissions where someone selects 3.0 but says it's really 4.0. That stinks! I assume that 4.0 cannot be freely relicensed as 3.0? It looks like there are probably terms which prevent that.
These are really great resources, thanks for sharing. The first one especially has some content that I really liked, but Josh Woodward's stuff was really incredible too. Ccmixter was confusing to navigate (yep, I officially sound old), so I wasn't able to find as much. But I'll keep poking around.
Great tune Snabisch!
Good points. I think it could work well if it eventually got its own forum (not just a post, but whole forum alongside categories like "General Discussion", "Tutorials", "Resource Request", etc. And I think it deserves a link under the "Browse" menu, similar to Featured Tutorials. This would prevent it from getting buried, or being invisible.
However I think the front page latest art feed should remain dedicated to newly published assets, and I still don't think that game templates should be featured like that.
I also don't know If templates can or should be licensed the same way as other assets. I can imagine someone taking a set of CC0 and OGA-BY assets, combining them into a game template, then releasing that template under CC-BY-SA. Now if someone makes a similar looking game combining those assets, is the game required to be released as CC-BY-SA?
I think a forum guideline could spell out that all templates are CC0, and users only must abide by the licenses on the assets. If a whole new art category was created, it might be a pain in the butt to disable license selection on the submission page to default to CC0 when the uploader selects the "Game Template" radio button. And someone browsing the art may find a template, see that it is CC0, think the license is intended for the included art, and use it in a project without knowing it came from another source.
Interestingly, I think that collections are often used as a surrogate for project templates, or at least a place to store all assets someone wants to use in a project. I like that about them, because collections show up right on the page for the art itself. I think this would be a nice feature for game templates, so I guess that's another point for collections over forums. But I think collections may suffer from the same "get burried" problem that forums do.
I didn't mean to seem like I was shooting it down, I think it's a worthwhile idea, but I wanted to know how people thought it should integrate into the site.
I personally don't think game templates should be featured alongside the other art categories (eg featured in the latest art feed, most recent comments, etc...) because it seems tangential to the site's purpose. However, I think a dedicated forum is the perfect place for this. There is some precedent of the forums being used to post game templates, as well as linking game to a forum from the front page browse menu.
I really love the concept and design here. Good luck in the game jam!
WOW! These are absolutely amazing!
Bart doesn't need no stinking game template section. Bart simply demands that a game be made, and is obeyed.
More seriously, where do you imagine the template section fitting in? Do you want another category (like 2D art, Sound effects, etc)? I notice there is a section there for "Featured Game Tutorials" which links to a manually currated subforum. Perhaps Bart could simply add a new Forum for Game Templates, and people post their ideas there.
You could get started by just posting them under General Discussion, as Bart did. Then, as MedicineStorm suggests, if they gain enough traction they may be moved to a dedicated forum, and/or a link may be added to the Browse menu on the main page.