daoc had condition. it worked pretty much how you said. getting less effective as its condition went down. weapons would become dull and do less damage. you could also sharpen weapons using a sharpening stone and increase condition on weapons. ideally though you would want to repair the weapon first then sharpen for extra damage. armor could not actually break but at 0 condition it basically acted like you had no armor on. also you could only at least in dark age of chamelot repair so many times before you couldnt repair it any more. this also had a precentage that dropped after each repair. once repairability dropped to zero and condition dropped to zero the armor was pretty much done.
This also effected crafting. for armor crafters the better their skill the higher repairability percentage the resulting item would have.
junk items in the game usually had low repair percentage. usually in the 60% or 70% range.
you could choose option 3. quest driven. the main quest leads you through appropriete areas for leveling.
I would not try and block players. this would give a linear feel if you do that. I would have a way to show monster level vs your level with like a con system. So you could check a monster for difficulty and your chance of winning. maybe a gravestone showing you have no chance at your level. That way they know and dont have to die to find out they are in an area to high for them.
I was thinking with this tileset if you removed the posts and rope from the bridge tile you could set it up so you have 1 layer rendered after the main character. Then put the posts and rope on that layer and it would look like the main character is walking across the bridge behind the ropes and posts. This layer could also be used for other things also.
the latest version with the time line looks similar to this program called pencil animation. its free opensource for win mac and linux in c++
if bart had a dollar every time someone has said that. the site would reach its goal.
I had never heard of greenlight before. you are all evil and made me waste 3 hours going through all the games.
daoc had condition. it worked pretty much how you said. getting less effective as its condition went down. weapons would become dull and do less damage. you could also sharpen weapons using a sharpening stone and increase condition on weapons. ideally though you would want to repair the weapon first then sharpen for extra damage. armor could not actually break but at 0 condition it basically acted like you had no armor on. also you could only at least in dark age of chamelot repair so many times before you couldnt repair it any more. this also had a precentage that dropped after each repair. once repairability dropped to zero and condition dropped to zero the armor was pretty much done.
This also effected crafting. for armor crafters the better their skill the higher repairability percentage the resulting item would have.
junk items in the game usually had low repair percentage. usually in the 60% or 70% range.
There is something similar when I just click browse then 2d art. frequently the same item is shown 3 - 4 -5 times in a row in the results.
you could choose option 3. quest driven. the main quest leads you through appropriete areas for leveling.
I would not try and block players. this would give a linear feel if you do that. I would have a way to show monster level vs your level with like a con system. So you could check a monster for difficulty and your chance of winning. maybe a gravestone showing you have no chance at your level. That way they know and dont have to die to find out they are in an area to high for them.
I was thinking with this tileset if you removed the posts and rope from the bridge tile you could set it up so you have 1 layer rendered after the main character. Then put the posts and rope on that layer and it would look like the main character is walking across the bridge behind the ropes and posts. This layer could also be used for other things also.
*deleted stupid comment since they have done several fundraisers my comment made no sense.
the effect folder is interesting. are these effects hand drawn frame by frame or was it somehow generated.
thanks for the info bart. I went to the thread and edited like you said and should be good now thanks.