I'm looking for something similar for my main character (similar to the second animation with the gun) I'm looking for a lot of art (listed in my original post below) but maybe I could commision the character sprites/ animations from you? Looking for art similar to the style of games like Gunpoint and Ronin but in a top-down perspective like Revenge of the Titans. Here's my original post for the commision: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/pc-tilemap-and-sprites-gunpoint-and-ronin-style
Position has been filled! Thanks
Really like those first two animations.
I'm looking for something similar for my main character (similar to the second animation with the gun) I'm looking for a lot of art (listed in my original post below) but maybe I could commision the character sprites/ animations from you? Looking for art similar to the style of games like Gunpoint and Ronin but in a top-down perspective like Revenge of the Titans. Here's my original post for the commision: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/pc-tilemap-and-sprites-gunpoint-and-ronin-style