@rubberduck It's mostly a matter of preference, but there are some technical reasons as to why you might want to keep them split:
The sdl_hardware render backend loads images as GPU textures. Depending on the GPU, there can be limits for how large the dimensions of these textures can be.
While Flare is single-threaded, I've considered introducing threads for asset loading. This could mean an improvement in load times when using multiple smaller tile sheets over a monolitic tile sheet.
@reefcrazed Yes, we already have crates, barrels, and treasure chests in the other tilesets. They can simply be brought over to this one as they already match quite well.
The windows can (and probably should) be opaque, just like they are from the outside. The combination of our game's resolution and the "hatching" over the window itself, it wouldn't really be possible to see much detail through them anyway.
Well, the lighting we use makes the shadow fall mostly behind the object, plus a little to the right (observe the player's shadow). With the size and shape of the tables, this shouldn't make the tile size grow too much. I rather have correct lighting, even if it means some objects are 1-2 tiles bigger.
I see that none of the shadows actually match the player's shadow in terms of where the light source is coming from. I recommend copying the lamps from something like "flare-game/art_src/tilesets/dungeon/dungeon_doors.blend".
I agree about the bookcases. Reducing them to about half of their current height seems sensible.
@rubberduck It's mostly a matter of preference, but there are some technical reasons as to why you might want to keep them split:
@reefcrazed Yes, we already have crates, barrels, and treasure chests in the other tilesets. They can simply be brought over to this one as they already match quite well.
@reefcrazed There are no immediate plans to move to 128x64 tiles.
@m7600 Here are some ideas:
@reefcrazed The tileset looks fine to me. I opened it in GIMP and set a 64x128 grid to make sure. None of the tiles appear to be bleeding over.
That looks great! Just what I had in mind.
The windows can (and probably should) be opaque, just like they are from the outside. The combination of our game's resolution and the "hatching" over the window itself, it wouldn't really be possible to see much detail through them anyway.
Yes. I like the idea of not having every NPC in the game be standing outside. Especially if we want proper "town" environments.
Two things I just though of to add are some windows, and more importantly, doors. It would be even better if they were styled to somewhat match the building exteriors seen here: https://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/forum-attachments/teaser.jpg
Well, the lighting we use makes the shadow fall mostly behind the object, plus a little to the right (observe the player's shadow). With the size and shape of the tables, this shouldn't make the tile size grow too much. I rather have correct lighting, even if it means some objects are 1-2 tiles bigger.
I see that none of the shadows actually match the player's shadow in terms of where the light source is coming from. I recommend copying the lamps from something like "flare-game/art_src/tilesets/dungeon/dungeon_doors.blend".
I agree about the bookcases. Reducing them to about half of their current height seems sensible.
This is looking great! But if you don't mind, I have a few criticisms: