@capbros @surt Here in Brazil, Sega Master System was a huge success. Even I, that owned a Nintendo clone (CEE TurboGame) wanted one because they had original games with manuals and translations. I still want to add one to my consoles collection.
Hey guys, I just wanted to give an update. We released version 1.1 that is a major improvement in game system, features and graphics. Also, the game now uses some graphics from opengameart and, specifically, surt (thanks man).
We are still working on the game, and keep working, and any help, including ideas and concept art are very welcome.
I am using this on my game (rockbot.upperland.net). Given credits and kept CC licence. Thanks a lot, and I hope you can bring more amazing art like this.
I will use that in my game as a checkpoint terminal.
Thank you!
That is gorgeous. I will be using it on Rockbot2, a megaman-like game I made ^.^
Thanks a lot.
That is really great. I will be using those somehow in my megaman-like game, thank you :)
@capbros @surt Here in Brazil, Sega Master System was a huge success. Even I, that owned a Nintendo clone (CEE TurboGame) wanted one because they had original games with manuals and translations. I still want to add one to my consoles collection.
This work reminds me of Shovel Knight. This is to say how much I loved it :)
Hey guys, I just wanted to give an update. We released version 1.1 that is a major improvement in game system, features and graphics. Also, the game now uses some graphics from opengameart and, specifically, surt (thanks man).
We are still working on the game, and keep working, and any help, including ideas and concept art are very welcome.
You know what? Rockbot (my game) will use all this stuff!!!
Amazing job, well done and thank you sir.
Amazing work. Reminds me of one of my favorite 8-bits games: The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy.
I am using this on my game (rockbot.upperland.net). Given credits and kept CC licence. Thanks a lot, and I hope you can bring more amazing art like this.
I am using part of those tiles in my game (rockbot.upperland.net).
Thanks a lot for this.