I think the "PD" is for Public Domain. The base was a model in the Public Domain?
The original is such a simple sprite. Seems like someone could splat blue paint on a canvas & the owners could claim copyright infringement. But again, anyone wanting to create a yellow 3D sphere with a wedge cutout of a mouth would obviously be questioned about Pac-Man.
Edit: It doesn't sound like a derivative to me. Fan art, maybe. Inspired, definitely. But, I'm not a lawyer. :)
I don't know of any software that can convert PNG to TTF automatically. It would be much easier to do it the other way around, TTF to PNG. The only way I think it might be possible is to use a software specifically for creating fonts, like FontForge, & manually convert it. That might be a lot of work though. I've never created a font myself.
Removed GPL licensing due to RayaneFLX's assets being CC BY-SA only.
Need to update zip archive still.
I think the "PD" is for Public Domain. The base was a model in the Public Domain?
The original is such a simple sprite. Seems like someone could splat blue paint on a canvas & the owners could claim copyright infringement. But again, anyone wanting to create a yellow 3D sphere with a wedge cutout of a mouth would obviously be questioned about Pac-Man.
Edit: It doesn't sound like a derivative to me. Fan art, maybe. Inspired, definitely. But, I'm not a lawyer. :)
Reminds me of a tonberry. :)
Very nice work.
Oooh, I want to mount this with my swordfish. :)
@claudeb: Would be nice if we could use SIL font license. I wonder if it's compatable, just no one has considered it yet?
"Billy Idle". Love it! Lol
I was just curious about the software itself. This is Reaper?
I don't know of any software that can convert PNG to TTF automatically. It would be much easier to do it the other way around, TTF to PNG. The only way I think it might be possible is to use a software specifically for creating fonts, like FontForge, & manually convert it. That might be a lot of work though. I've never created a font myself.
Very nice! I like your style.