Hello, I know this is a really old post but I really really really hope you reply! I'm trying to generate a character using Universal LPC, and I really love it but I can't find the idle! You said the center frames should work as an idle sprite? But I didn't really understand, I really hope you can elaborate, or maybe post a picture with a circle around the "center frames", thank you! Waiting for your replyy
Ohh okay thank you! @Boom
Hello, I know this is a really old post but I really really really hope you reply! I'm trying to generate a character using Universal LPC, and I really love it but I can't find the idle! You said the center frames should work as an idle sprite? But I didn't really understand, I really hope you can elaborate, or maybe post a picture with a circle around the "center frames", thank you! Waiting for your replyy