Hi, I only know that OGA is somewhat grey on AI GAN art with some manual modification / refinement.
So I added the attribution update on the post. Now I am not sure if the license (like CC-BY-03) is correct or not, since it's the first time I uploaded AI GAN using StableDiffusion on this site but on the owner of the model itself it said it's fine to be used with proper credit.
Ah I thought this is the OGA3 theme which somehow I manage to locate on github
So yeah, it's still work on mobile, meaning it shows just fine for members, just like itch.io dashboard which is also looks desktop-like but still good to go. I just said that a bit of responsive stylesheet will not bite, doing it for the whole site will be quite pain tho not gonna lie.
Although what I meant was only the front end part, and "code contribute", not entirely working dedicated for the site, it just like patching this and there and it's up to the moderator for merging the code or not. And by Front end part, as far as I know with only 5 years of web dev job exp, I don't have to understand the OOP of the PHP backend as it's more on the interface and UX, more on CSS, html formating and JS, although I'm familiar with Laravel OOP (framework based). So I thought I, or any Web Front End Dev here, just need to tweak or add CSS code, or a bit of JS. The structure of the HTML or the Backend codes will not be touched (as I don't know what to do with them lmao)
Obviously I don't have strong understanding in PHP (Backend), or even Drupal, but working in Laravel + VueJS or Wordpress for years now as Front End is rarely touching the PHP code. That's different working environment I know, but most Front End part doesn't really need to know what Backend is being used except for data rendering or API. Even I'm not familiar with Twigz that used in Drupal as I mostly use HTMLKIT for Wordpress or Laravel's Blade.
So, I've just got spare time for some moment, I upload a bit of my tweak on the website just by browser inpsect as attachments, but I think it can be done within one single responsive.css without touched php codes like I usually do when doing Wordpress site in the office.
I'm not registering to join the team or something, just asking if there is a chance for members to contribute to OGA website's code directly (maybe git based) without being a dedicated dev. Thanks for the information anyway! Can't wait for OGA3 theme you mentioned earlier, good luck.
First, I'm interested on this one, I had some experiences on building PHP sites, but the problem for me is that Drupal thing, it just not familiar with my working enviroment. Although I believe everything can be learned. So, I'll try to check your git sometime. But in a perspective of myself, as a developer, I think the best way to deal with your listed problems are using other framework, or even some rebuilding the way things handle data. Using drupal is actually good because it's a well known framework and used on many hosting with built in cpanel out there. Keep the fire on, I'm not saying that I could help, but I'll try to check the open source first.
Hi, I only know that OGA is somewhat grey on AI GAN art with some manual modification / refinement.
So I added the attribution update on the post. Now I am not sure if the license (like CC-BY-03) is correct or not, since it's the first time I uploaded AI GAN using StableDiffusion on this site but on the owner of the model itself it said it's fine to be used with proper credit.
That's why I added some license / copyright note.
Is it illegal here or am I missing something?
Lol forgot to click the reply button, but Thanks for the info.
Ah I thought this is the OGA3 theme which somehow I manage to locate on github
So yeah, it's still work on mobile, meaning it shows just fine for members, just like itch.io dashboard which is also looks desktop-like but still good to go. I just said that a bit of responsive stylesheet will not bite, doing it for the whole site will be quite pain tho not gonna lie.
Although what I meant was only the front end part, and "code contribute", not entirely working dedicated for the site, it just like patching this and there and it's up to the moderator for merging the code or not. And by Front end part, as far as I know with only 5 years of web dev job exp, I don't have to understand the OOP of the PHP backend as it's more on the interface and UX, more on CSS, html formating and JS, although I'm familiar with Laravel OOP (framework based). So I thought I, or any Web Front End Dev here, just need to tweak or add CSS code, or a bit of JS. The structure of the HTML or the Backend codes will not be touched (as I don't know what to do with them lmao)
Obviously I don't have strong understanding in PHP (Backend), or even Drupal, but working in Laravel + VueJS or Wordpress for years now as Front End is rarely touching the PHP code. That's different working environment I know, but most Front End part doesn't really need to know what Backend is being used except for data rendering or API. Even I'm not familiar with Twigz that used in Drupal as I mostly use HTMLKIT for Wordpress or Laravel's Blade.
So, I've just got spare time for some moment, I upload a bit of my tweak on the website just by browser inpsect as attachments, but I think it can be done within one single responsive.css without touched php codes like I usually do when doing Wordpress site in the office.
I'm not registering to join the team or something, just asking if there is a chance for members to contribute to OGA website's code directly (maybe git based) without being a dedicated dev. Thanks for the information anyway! Can't wait for OGA3 theme you mentioned earlier, good luck.
Done, and thanks. Tags Revised.
Thanks so much
First, I'm interested on this one, I had some experiences on building PHP sites, but the problem for me is that Drupal thing, it just not familiar with my working enviroment. Although I believe everything can be learned. So, I'll try to check your git sometime. But in a perspective of myself, as a developer, I think the best way to deal with your listed problems are using other framework, or even some rebuilding the way things handle data. Using drupal is actually good because it's a well known framework and used on many hosting with built in cpanel out there. Keep the fire on, I'm not saying that I could help, but I'll try to check the open source first.