Imagine an adventure/rpg game where the villain has stolen 7 bits from the kingdom and only 1 bit remains safe. The hero has to go retrieve the other 7 bits.
The game starts with 1 bit color graphics (black/white only).
When the first bit is saved, the game enters 2 bit color graphics (cga style).
At 4 bits the game goes 16 color (ega style).
Then all 8 bits are retrieved before the finale (256 color vga style).
In case you missed it, here's an animated Dice entry from sunburn
Great work! And thanks for including the template, I might try making a character.
Main additions:
Anonymous, no I haven't joined the blender artist forums (though I'm not opposed to such).
Feel free to steal this game idea.
Imagine an adventure/rpg game where the villain has stolen 7 bits from the kingdom and only 1 bit remains safe. The hero has to go retrieve the other 7 bits.
The game starts with 1 bit color graphics (black/white only).
When the first bit is saved, the game enters 2 bit color graphics (cga style).
At 4 bits the game goes 16 color (ega style).
Then all 8 bits are retrieved before the finale (256 color vga style).
Haha! Fun animation with so few frames, great job.
This was fun to make. 1bit-color RPG tileset.
With 8 votes, Bart's "Leaf Spell Animation" is the winner!
Second place unofficially (submitted past the deadline)
Third place was a 5-way tie with 5 votes each
Starting off with a simple entry: