Note: if using it as a static model in a 3D game, you could remove the unseen half of the pillow to get the total model to 172 tris.
Some tricks I used here:
1. I modeled the posts separately from the rest, then did a boolean union. In Blender you have to clean up the resulting facets a bit.
2. Created a simple blanket and subdivided a ton. The blanket started parallel to the bed, flat and floating above it. I used the cloth simulation, the Denim default. Once I liked the result I applied it to the blanket mesh.
3. I 3D-traced out a very low poly blanket, then baked the normals from the high poly blanket to the low one.
4. When UV-mapping the bed I positioned the parts so that the wood grain all ran the same direction. Now, any wood texture with vertical grain will look right on this model.
5. I also have a cloth texture on the blanket. It adds a lot of believable grain and ripples on the top surface.
GPL isn't recommended for art (the GNU folks say so). Most of the GPL is about access to the source code; art doesn't have source code. The closest thing might be the original project files before export (.psd, .blend, .xcf) but people don't always distribute those with art marked as GPL. And other parts of the GPL plain don't make sense for art (GPL3's stuff about patents, etc).
CC-SA is the best copyleft license for art. So a lot of us open source game developers care about how CC-SA is interpreted.
One day I want to make an RTS or tower-defense type game to teach kids about parts of the cell. ATP is the resource, the nucleus is the "town hall", mitochondria are the "power plants", etc.
As in Plants vs. Zombies you could introduce more parts of the cell each new level until you have the whole microsystem working and fending off foreign bodies.
I've been using these quite a lot for my RPG, especially for styling menus, buttons, etc. The source is and no creator is listed. The site is working but I figured we could have a copy here just in case something happens.
(edit) found the author's name in the image metadata. Updated this submission.
The basics to create this effect:
1. Create a ring shape where the particles start. Make sure the normals are pointing up (positive Z). Once we add particle effects on this object it will become invisible.
2. Give the ring a new Material. Click the Halo option (which we use to make "lens-flare" type particle effects). In Shader choose the Lines option to make this particular effect style.
3. While the ring is still selected, open the Particle Window. ADD NEW particle system of type Emitter.
4. Change "Emit From:" to random (otherwise, particles will appear in the mesh face order, which is usually not what you want)
5. Under "Initial Velocity:" set Normal to some positive number. This means the particles will travel the same direction as the normals of the mesh (which are pointing up, from step #1)
6. Open a Timeline window. Drag the timeline cursor to Frame 1 then click Play. You should see the particles appear from the mesh.
7. Under "Basic:" tweak the Amount, Sta(rt), End, Life to get the amount of particles you want. Tweak the Initial Velocity: options to get the particles going the desired direction. Note: repeat step 6 any time you make a change in the Particle window.
8. Tweak the halo material Size, Add, and Color. Render. Tweak the material until it looks the way you want.
"Under Creative Commons’ core licenses, synching music in timed-relation with a moving image is considered to be a derivative work."
Based on that, I'd lean towards games actually being derivative works of the individual pieces of art used. But it's absolutely not spelled out. So hopefully that is cleared up in the future. Thing is, Creative Commons can't change or define what "Derivative Work" means... that's a term of copyright law itself.
At the very least, I try to mention on my works "contact me if you'd like to use this art under different terms". If anyone asks nicely I'm likely to let them use my art for anything.
Note: if using it as a static model in a 3D game, you could remove the unseen half of the pillow to get the total model to 172 tris.
Some tricks I used here:
1. I modeled the posts separately from the rest, then did a boolean union. In Blender you have to clean up the resulting facets a bit.
2. Created a simple blanket and subdivided a ton. The blanket started parallel to the bed, flat and floating above it. I used the cloth simulation, the Denim default. Once I liked the result I applied it to the blanket mesh.
3. I 3D-traced out a very low poly blanket, then baked the normals from the high poly blanket to the low one.
4. When UV-mapping the bed I positioned the parts so that the wood grain all ran the same direction. Now, any wood texture with vertical grain will look right on this model.
5. I also have a cloth texture on the blanket. It adds a lot of believable grain and ripples on the top surface.
GPL isn't recommended for art (the GNU folks say so). Most of the GPL is about access to the source code; art doesn't have source code. The closest thing might be the original project files before export (.psd, .blend, .xcf) but people don't always distribute those with art marked as GPL. And other parts of the GPL plain don't make sense for art (GPL3's stuff about patents, etc).
CC-SA is the best copyleft license for art. So a lot of us open source game developers care about how CC-SA is interpreted.
I'm using this in my game OSARE
For a zombie head explosion. It's fantastic.
Next version is up
Main additions:
One day I want to make an RTS or tower-defense type game to teach kids about parts of the cell. ATP is the resource, the nucleus is the "town hall", mitochondria are the "power plants", etc.
As in Plants vs. Zombies you could introduce more parts of the cell each new level until you have the whole microsystem working and fending off foreign bodies.
Level ideas: plant cell, animal cell, cell mitosis.
Ideas are cheap so feel free to use this one.
I've been using these quite a lot for my RPG, especially for styling menus, buttons, etc. The source is and no creator is listed. The site is working but I figured we could have a copy here just in case something happens.
(edit) found the author's name in the image metadata. Updated this submission.
OSARE version 0.02 is up (windows, osx, source).
Main additions:
This is done using Blender particles.
A quick reference:
The basics to create this effect:
1. Create a ring shape where the particles start. Make sure the normals are pointing up (positive Z). Once we add particle effects on this object it will become invisible.
2. Give the ring a new Material. Click the Halo option (which we use to make "lens-flare" type particle effects). In Shader choose the Lines option to make this particular effect style.
3. While the ring is still selected, open the Particle Window. ADD NEW particle system of type Emitter.
4. Change "Emit From:" to random (otherwise, particles will appear in the mesh face order, which is usually not what you want)
5. Under "Initial Velocity:" set Normal to some positive number. This means the particles will travel the same direction as the normals of the mesh (which are pointing up, from step #1)
6. Open a Timeline window. Drag the timeline cursor to Frame 1 then click Play. You should see the particles appear from the mesh.
7. Under "Basic:" tweak the Amount, Sta(rt), End, Life to get the amount of particles you want. Tweak the Initial Velocity: options to get the particles going the desired direction. Note: repeat step 6 any time you make a change in the Particle window.
8. Tweak the halo material Size, Add, and Color. Render. Tweak the material until it looks the way you want.
adrix89, yes. The uploader can update the file at any time.
It's probably best if the WIP is at a useful state (e.g. with 3D: mesh complete but not textured/rigged).
I agree with a WIP forum.
The trouble seems to be that the definition of Derivative Work isn't clear when individual pieces of music or art are used in games.
If someone uses a background song unchanged in a game, is that game a derivative work?
(if Yes, games that use CC-BY-SA art must also be licensed CC-BY-SA).
CC doesn't mention video games, but does give this example:
"Under Creative Commons’ core licenses, synching music in timed-relation with a moving image is considered to be a derivative work."
Based on that, I'd lean towards games actually being derivative works of the individual pieces of art used. But it's absolutely not spelled out. So hopefully that is cleared up in the future. Thing is, Creative Commons can't change or define what "Derivative Work" means... that's a term of copyright law itself.
At the very least, I try to mention on my works "contact me if you'd like to use this art under different terms". If anyone asks nicely I'm likely to let them use my art for anything.