I am writing the 2D engine from scratch. That's the only fun way, right? Network code isn't something I have a lot of experience with, but yeah it would be great if I could get multiplayer working.
The art you find here is under "open" licenses that generally break down into two categories (very simplified)
1. Requires that you give credit to the original artist
2. Requires that you give credit to the original artist AND that your game is open source.
Probably half or more of the art here is of type #2, and many artists (like me) only create "open" art.
So if your project will be open source and free to share, you may have an easier time finding help here. If your project will be closed source, and you want to sell copies and not have anyone "pirate" the game, you'll have a harder time finding help here. Hope this makes sense :)
Galun, unfortunately if Blender exports don't work then I don't know where to go from there. I also don't have Collada or ModTool to test files with. Anyone know of another intermediate format that will preserve most or all of the data?
Rigged just means it has an armature and can be posed, right?
bart pointed this out. Perfect sound effect source for the head explosion: http://opengameart.org/content/2-wooden-squish-splatter-sequences
I've posted Win and OSX demo builds for my RPG.
I don't have an active linux environment set up right now, but if there's enough immediate demand for it I'll set one up and create a linux version.
There's not much to the demo in this version: just the arrowkeys to move around the sample map.
Excellent work
Pompei2, it should be easy to create those variations. If you have trouble let me know, I'll make a set like that and send it to you.
Thanks Julius, I fixed the link.
I am writing the 2D engine from scratch. That's the only fun way, right? Network code isn't something I have a lot of experience with, but yeah it would be great if I could get multiplayer working.
Thanks Aare, I'm still learning a lot.
The art you find here is under "open" licenses that generally break down into two categories (very simplified)
1. Requires that you give credit to the original artist
2. Requires that you give credit to the original artist AND that your game is open source.
Probably half or more of the art here is of type #2, and many artists (like me) only create "open" art.
So if your project will be open source and free to share, you may have an easier time finding help here. If your project will be closed source, and you want to sell copies and not have anyone "pirate" the game, you'll have a harder time finding help here. Hope this makes sense :)
What license for the code and/or art?
Galun, unfortunately if Blender exports don't work then I don't know where to go from there. I also don't have Collada or ModTool to test files with. Anyone know of another intermediate format that will preserve most or all of the data?