Yes, stuff like egg sacs and wrapped humans are good for spawning spider hatchlings.
That can be done as an event - clicking causes the tile to change to "bursted" and spawns enemies. It can also be done as an enemy itself -- you can cause damage to it to disable it (maybe stop it from continually spawning), or it could spawn hatchlings once you cause enough damage to kill it. Or both.
rubberduck, the props look good. That second set has lights that are close enough to match current Flare tile sets.
As I'm preparing for the full game I'll be releasing big updates to the tile sets, depending on the pieces I need to finish up the game. It'll take some planning so that the tile sets are usable and not a mess of parts in random order. But likely I'll be able to use lots of existing assets like the ones you're posting. I'll start up a discussion when I'm ready to start planning out the sets.
We use SDL TTF which currently doesn't support RTL languages. Someone wanting to help Flare should see if it's possible to contribute RTL support directly to SDL TTF.
Reminds me of the kind of fun we had deciphering and converting the images for Abuse. That's one advantage of an art community full of programmers, we'll find a way.
GunChleoc, I thought I checked the language.txt file but I must have missed this one. I'll go ahead and add it.
(edit) yeah I didn't copy the right language.txt folder over, fixing that now.
(edit2) nope, turns out we have a language.txt in fantasycore that doesn't belong there. Fixing this.
Sounds just right! I have some caves areas planned with an antlion queen nest, this kind of thing would be perfect.
Yes, stuff like egg sacs and wrapped humans are good for spawning spider hatchlings.
That can be done as an event - clicking causes the tile to change to "bursted" and spawns enemies. It can also be done as an enemy itself -- you can cause damage to it to disable it (maybe stop it from continually spawning), or it could spawn hatchlings once you cause enough damage to kill it. Or both.
rubberduck, the props look good. That second set has lights that are close enough to match current Flare tile sets.
As I'm preparing for the full game I'll be releasing big updates to the tile sets, depending on the pieces I need to finish up the game. It'll take some planning so that the tile sets are usable and not a mess of parts in random order. But likely I'll be able to use lots of existing assets like the ones you're posting. I'll start up a discussion when I'm ready to start planning out the sets.
We use SDL TTF which currently doesn't support RTL languages. Someone wanting to help Flare should see if it's possible to contribute RTL support directly to SDL TTF.
I made this Blender file that lets you render Terrain like this yourself.
Supply the desired texture image and it will generate all the terrain shapes.
I made it for someone else who wanted to do the exact same terrain image you posted (that first one), so I know the tiles I generate are the full set.
I'll be redesigning soon to be more organized. It's just hard to prioritize that.
Reminds me of the kind of fun we had deciphering and converting the images for Abuse. That's one advantage of an art community full of programmers, we'll find a way.
Let's see the errors, that will tell us how to fix this for you. I suggest copying them and pasting them to to keep the formatting.
I also posted similar instructions here:
It's about the simplest possible way to compile the game yourself.