You can add a new NPC by creating a file in the mods/[mod-name]/npcs/ folder. There are some NPCs in alpha_demo you can view as examples.
Similar with monsters, those are in mods/[mod-name]/enemies/
To add them to maps you can use Tiled to open the .tmx files in the flare-game repo, tiled folder. Maps have an "enemy" layer and an "npc" layer. Look at maps that already have monsters or NPCs to see how they work. Then export your new map to the flare format.
You could also create, in plain-text, a ring that gives +100% XP Gain and put it in your stash.txt file. Flare is designed to be hackable in plain text.
It's dangerous to download .exe files from random users, and I suggest Flare players don't do that.
It's a standard RPG feature -- the vendors let you buy back items for a limited time if you didn't mean to sell them. Once you log off they're gone, like in every other game with this feature.
We don't need a logic/story reason for this. That's why we even allow ctrl+click selling items from wherever you are, and those items go to the Vendor's buyback tab. Why? Because this is an Action RPG, not a Pawn Shop Simulator.
Helps make the game more fair for Melee characters, who were previously very weak. Also helps the AI when the hero goes behind a wall or cover, the archer has a chance to find them.
The chance that archers will pursue the character can be modified for each creature type, so we could change it later for the final game.
Later we may add it so that ranged enemies try to run away if the hero gets too close. But we haven't coded that option yet.
Items have a percent chance to drop. Item Find increases that chance. E.g. if a creature has a 12% chance to drop a specific item, the Relic Finder Ring (+25% item find) will make that 15%.
Gold Find multiplies the amount of gold that drops by the given %. If you would usually get 12 gold and you have the Thief Gloves on (+25% gold find), you get 15 gold instead.
XP gain works like gold find, anytime you are awarded XP it gets multiplied by your bonus.
It should affect rewards from enemies, chests, and quests. (if you find it doesn't, let us know and we'll take a look).
I'm not sure what you're asking. Can you try different words, or post a longer message in your native language and we'll use Google Translate?
You can add a new NPC by creating a file in the mods/[mod-name]/npcs/ folder. There are some NPCs in alpha_demo you can view as examples.
Similar with monsters, those are in mods/[mod-name]/enemies/
To add them to maps you can use Tiled to open the .tmx files in the flare-game repo, tiled folder. Maps have an "enemy" layer and an "npc" layer. Look at maps that already have monsters or NPCs to see how they work. Then export your new map to the flare format.
You could also create, in plain-text, a ring that gives +100% XP Gain and put it in your stash.txt file. Flare is designed to be hackable in plain text.
It's dangerous to download .exe files from random users, and I suggest Flare players don't do that.
You add the bonuses first, so your character sheet would show +200% gold find. This would give you 300 gold.
It's a standard RPG feature -- the vendors let you buy back items for a limited time if you didn't mean to sell them. Once you log off they're gone, like in every other game with this feature.
We don't need a logic/story reason for this. That's why we even allow ctrl+click selling items from wherever you are, and those items go to the Vendor's buyback tab. Why? Because this is an Action RPG, not a Pawn Shop Simulator.
We will write these some day. Or a player is welcome to help us write them.
Our team is working hard on the engine and on content, it's hard to also find time for tutorials and documentation.
Helps make the game more fair for Melee characters, who were previously very weak. Also helps the AI when the hero goes behind a wall or cover, the archer has a chance to find them.
The chance that archers will pursue the character can be modified for each creature type, so we could change it later for the final game.
Later we may add it so that ranged enemies try to run away if the hero gets too close. But we haven't coded that option yet.
It's okay for Bursters to give XP when they blow up. Dodging them is most of the fight.
Buyback items shouldn't be saved. They are only there in case you sell something accidentally and change your mind.
Items have a percent chance to drop. Item Find increases that chance. E.g. if a creature has a 12% chance to drop a specific item, the Relic Finder Ring (+25% item find) will make that 15%.
Gold Find multiplies the amount of gold that drops by the given %. If you would usually get 12 gold and you have the Thief Gloves on (+25% gold find), you get 15 gold instead.
XP gain works like gold find, anytime you are awarded XP it gets multiplied by your bonus.
It should affect rewards from enemies, chests, and quests. (if you find it doesn't, let us know and we'll take a look).