Gwes: This is one of the many "wrong" things with the current "alpha demo" quest designs. We won't make the same mistakes in the final game.
Another example: it's not obvious that "River Encampment" is the proper name of a place. There are goblin camp sites in the Frontier Plains map that are often mistaken for the goblin main camp. The text is ambiguous and people often get stuck there. If we have a goblin camp in the final game, we'll make sure no other location could be mistaken for it.
Yes, basically you can subdivide the current "GameStatePlay" into the player's turn and the enemies' turns. That would be the primary change.
Beyond that it would be changing some features to turn-based, tile-based conventions. The targeting system would probably involve choosing a specific tile. Area spells would target a pre-set tile area shape. Movement would be changed to tile-based instead of free roaming. etc.
A lot of Flare's engine is built with action gameplay in mind (it's even part of the name!). I don't plan to support turn-based gameplay in the core engine.
I'd be quite happy for anyone to fork the engine and gut it to create a turn-based engine. But note that there may already exist some engines that do this well. Example: it looks like one of the the FIFE engine's major goals was to reimplement Fallout 1/2 which uses turn-based gameplay. It's quite possible that one could combine Flare's assets with the FIFE engine to get up and running quickly.
I added a "bicycle.png" sprite sheet that is the bike in 8 directions with 8 frames of pedaling animation. It's built to the scale of one 64x32 isometric tile = 1m^2.
Gwes: This is one of the many "wrong" things with the current "alpha demo" quest designs. We won't make the same mistakes in the final game.
Another example: it's not obvious that "River Encampment" is the proper name of a place. There are goblin camp sites in the Frontier Plains map that are often mistaken for the goblin main camp. The text is ambiguous and people often get stuck there. If we have a goblin camp in the final game, we'll make sure no other location could be mistaken for it.
Nice work!
And that palette is really tempting me to make some pixel art.
Yeah should be in one of those places. I'm not 100% sure where Ubuntu has them in the package.
A good place to start is /usr/share/games/flare/mods/fantasycore/engine/ -- that has several of the very basic settings for the game.
Good difference. I'll patch it into the icon.png and icon.xcf files when I get a moment.
Somehow I missed this thread earlier. I'm always excited when this art gets more mileage!
I'll find some time soon to try this game out.
Yes, basically you can subdivide the current "GameStatePlay" into the player's turn and the enemies' turns. That would be the primary change.
Beyond that it would be changing some features to turn-based, tile-based conventions. The targeting system would probably involve choosing a specific tile. Area spells would target a pre-set tile area shape. Movement would be changed to tile-based instead of free roaming. etc.
A lot of Flare's engine is built with action gameplay in mind (it's even part of the name!). I don't plan to support turn-based gameplay in the core engine.
I'd be quite happy for anyone to fork the engine and gut it to create a turn-based engine. But note that there may already exist some engines that do this well. Example: it looks like one of the the FIFE engine's major goals was to reimplement Fallout 1/2 which uses turn-based gameplay. It's quite possible that one could combine Flare's assets with the FIFE engine to get up and running quickly.
I haven't done a side-by-side yet but if it's an improvement I'll be glad to update the base icon sheet.
(the following only applies to SDL 1.2 or earlier).
Note that in Flare we solved this issue by borrowing a function from SDL_gfx that correctly blits one alpha surface to another. The two files are:
The function name is SDL_gfxBlitRGBA. Note it's done in software so it's slow.
I added a "bicycle.png" sprite sheet that is the bike in 8 directions with 8 frames of pedaling animation. It's built to the scale of one 64x32 isometric tile = 1m^2.