@Amstrad: I have the tile sets covered for now. I'll put out a call if I need a specific asset created.
It's not so much that we have an art backlog. I'm just listing out the things I want to get done between now and Beta.
I'm enforcing strict quality and theme requirements for art, so if you really want to contribute get in touch with me via email. We can talk about specific pieces you can work on.
I also have a newish Windows desktop machine that I do some Flare development on. Okay I use it mostly for gaming; I bought it when my laptop couldn't run Diablo 3 very well. It's a cheap NewEgg PC http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285
If we add starting classes it will just be default starting choices. We'll continue to have a "classless" system, where people can mix and match from different trees during the game.
If someone else adds the feature of specific classes restricted to certain power trees, and they implement it well and it's backwards compatible with the current sytem, we can consider merging it with base Flare.
We use Tiled for maps. The latest Windows nightly builds of Tiled (see the sidebar on mapeditor.org ) have the up-to-date Flare map plugin.
To make new enemies/spells/etc currently requires editing plain text files. Example, look at Flare's mods/fantasycore/enemies/*.txt files to see enemy definitions.
Igor is working on an optional GUI editor for a lot of that data.
Note that we're cleaning up a lot of the structure of all the data, and will keep doing so until Beta (where we'll try to finalize everything). So content you make now may have to be updated for newer versions of Alpha/Beta engine.
Generally this site is devoted to Open Game Art. Logos for proprietary non-game software is not really our focus. It's not that this is expressly forbidded, but ill suited for the site -- so ill suited that it might as well be spam.
I think you'll have luck on other sites with different specialties.
Specifically in your case, you really want Vector art for logos. If you haven't already, check out this resource: http://openclipart.org/ Everything there is Public Domain and many of the styles should be suitable for logos.
The only thing that comes to mind about SDL_ttf is that it's on version 2.0 and the other libraries are version 1.2. So if you had to type out the version number anywhere in the settings, you may want to check for that.
@Amstrad: I have the tile sets covered for now. I'll put out a call if I need a specific asset created.
It's not so much that we have an art backlog. I'm just listing out the things I want to get done between now and Beta.
I'm enforcing strict quality and theme requirements for art, so if you really want to contribute get in touch with me via email. We can talk about specific pieces you can work on.
Most of Flare was developed on a 2008 unibody 13" MacBook (the run before they started calling them MacBook Pro). http://www.laptopmag.com/review/laptops/apple-macbook-2008.aspx
I also have a newish Windows desktop machine that I do some Flare development on. Okay I use it mostly for gaming; I bought it when my laptop couldn't run Diablo 3 very well. It's a cheap NewEgg PC http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285
@dascandy Everything in that screenshot is included.
If we add starting classes it will just be default starting choices. We'll continue to have a "classless" system, where people can mix and match from different trees during the game.
If someone else adds the feature of specific classes restricted to certain power trees, and they implement it well and it's backwards compatible with the current sytem, we can consider merging it with base Flare.
We use Tiled for maps. The latest Windows nightly builds of Tiled (see the sidebar on mapeditor.org ) have the up-to-date Flare map plugin.
To make new enemies/spells/etc currently requires editing plain text files. Example, look at Flare's mods/fantasycore/enemies/*.txt files to see enemy definitions.
Igor is working on an optional GUI editor for a lot of that data.
Note that we're cleaning up a lot of the structure of all the data, and will keep doing so until Beta (where we'll try to finalize everything). So content you make now may have to be updated for newer versions of Alpha/Beta engine.
Generally this site is devoted to Open Game Art. Logos for proprietary non-game software is not really our focus. It's not that this is expressly forbidded, but ill suited for the site -- so ill suited that it might as well be spam.
I think you'll have luck on other sites with different specialties.
Specifically in your case, you really want Vector art for logos. If you haven't already, check out this resource: http://openclipart.org/ Everything there is Public Domain and many of the styles should be suitable for logos.
Are these games?
Are these open source?
Will the final logo art be proprietary or can it be released under a CC license?
That message "Unable to determine default font!", was that the only error message?
Example, did it also say "Unable to open engine/font_settings.txt!"?
Make sure the "mods" folder (and all its data) and flare.exe are in the same folder together. This is the easiest way to have it set up for Windows.
The only thing that comes to mind about SDL_ttf is that it's on version 2.0 and the other libraries are version 1.2. So if you had to type out the version number anywhere in the settings, you may want to check for that.