The same way you added SDL, you'll have to do that for SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf.
The SDL_gfxBlitRGBA issues is because one of the files in the project is a .c file instead of .cpp. Either set up your project to also compile .c files (not sure how to do that in your IDE) or just rename that file to .cpp
Solving this is usually very specific to the IDE or compiler you're using. I suggesting looking up how to set up an SDL project in Dev C++. Maybe this one is up to date?
Make sure your object is in the "enemygroup" layer.
Make sure your object's "Type" is the name of a creature category (e.g. "goblin", "undead"). These groups are defined in each enemy file under "categories=".
You may need a newer version of Tiled with the latest Flare exporter. The latest "Daily builds for Windows" on the Tiled web site has the newest Flare plugin included.
@raniejade for user-level config files we do create them if they're missing. For game data some things have internal defaults, but we typically can't write files (e.g. it's usually forbidden to write to /usr/local/share except when installing).
During Beta we'll definitely make a sweep through all of that to clean it up, especially adding better error messages. E.g. the one that is "mods/mods.txt not found" should also say something like "this probably means that all of the game data isn't installed in the expected location: /usr/local/share/flare/"
Trying to launch the game via command line using the full path from anywhere outside of the Flare directory results in a "Error during ModManager::loadModList() -- couldn't open mods/mods.txt"
On systems like Linux, the data files are expected to be in:
Part of the problem is that I'm the main artist and I'm partially colorblind. I'm learning more about how to render lights and colors better, but it's a slow process.
Perhaps for future tile sets I can work with concept artists who can also supply a sample color palette, and I can try matching the Blender output to those palettes.
I assume libjpeg is used by SDL_image, even though we don't actually use jpegs anywhere in the game. Is there a way to initialize SDL_image without requring the components we don't use?
I don't know much about how the Desura linux build is packaged. If anyone has ideas on what could be causing that issue, I can pass word to the guy who handles the Desura builds.
The same way you added SDL, you'll have to do that for SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf.
The SDL_gfxBlitRGBA issues is because one of the files in the project is a .c file instead of .cpp. Either set up your project to also compile .c files (not sure how to do that in your IDE) or just rename that file to .cpp
Sounds like SDL isn't linked properly.
Solving this is usually very specific to the IDE or compiler you're using. I suggesting looking up how to set up an SDL project in Dev C++. Maybe this one is up to date?
Make sure your object is in the "enemygroup" layer.
Make sure your object's "Type" is the name of a creature category (e.g. "goblin", "undead"). These groups are defined in each enemy file under "categories=".
You may need a newer version of Tiled with the latest Flare exporter. The latest "Daily builds for Windows" on the Tiled web site has the newest Flare plugin included.
@raniejade for user-level config files we do create them if they're missing. For game data some things have internal defaults, but we typically can't write files (e.g. it's usually forbidden to write to /usr/local/share except when installing).
During Beta we'll definitely make a sweep through all of that to clean it up, especially adding better error messages. E.g. the one that is "mods/mods.txt not found" should also say something like "this probably means that all of the game data isn't installed in the expected location: /usr/local/share/flare/"
On systems like Linux, the data files are expected to be in:
It's using the XDG standard. It only looks in the local folder as a final option:
@raniejade Hey man! It has been a while. What have you been up to? As you can see, Flare's been moving along a little bit at a time.
@surt: interesting test, I think.
Part of the problem is that I'm the main artist and I'm partially colorblind. I'm learning more about how to render lights and colors better, but it's a slow process.
Perhaps for future tile sets I can work with concept artists who can also supply a sample color palette, and I can try matching the Blender output to those palettes.
I assume libjpeg is used by SDL_image, even though we don't actually use jpegs anywhere in the game. Is there a way to initialize SDL_image without requring the components we don't use?
I don't know much about how the Desura linux build is packaged. If anyone has ideas on what could be causing that issue, I can pass word to the guy who handles the Desura builds.
dorkster's sent in a patch for this. It's part of the v0.17.1 bugfix release.
For now we've just prevented the crash -- but binding those mouse buttons is a bit trickier (I think, with SDL). We'll look into it.
Any recommendations for a good 5(+?) button mouse for testing? I could stand to replace the crappy mouse I have now on my PC.
That screenshot looks correct to me.
If it's not saving, that means for some reason it's not able to create a "saves" folder inside the flare folder. Check permissions etc.