If you want to render larger versions of Flare art, in Blender just change the render size (keeping the same aspect ratio). In the Properties window, the Render tab has a widget named "Dimensions". You should see the X,Y resolution there.
A few warnings:
Some of the art is not set up for easy one-click rendering. Some of the character and spell art has a python script to rotate and render the scene, so Run Script is used to render all the frames. Some tile set pieces have animations instead, so the Animate button is used to render all the frames. But sometimes it takes manipulaing the scene between each render (often rotating and moving objects; in rare cases, changing textures or scene options).
Storing very large images like that will take up more memory than you think. Currently Flare takes up about 100MB at runtime for images; if you scale up to 512x256 (8x) it would require 64x more memory (remember, that's 8x in both dimensions), over 6GB of video RAM. I'm not sure if video cards even go that high yet? Some video cards may not even hold images above a certain size. Map loading will be quite slow. etc.
Finally, most of Flare's older art isn't designed to look good at larger sizes. It's going to be ugly at 512x256.
It's definitely a Derivative Work. Even most of the fur details on yours is identical to the "#31" piece. So it's nice for practice, but you couldn't really release/distribute it (unless you got specific permission from those artists).
You'll see "devel" versions of these libraries. They are provided for Visual C and for MinGW.
They'll contain an "include" folder and a "lib" folder. Copy these into the matching include and lib folders of your compiler. E.g. for MinGW that is C:\MinGW\include\ and C:\MinGW\lib\. Do this for all four SDL libraries.
Note: you don't need to compile the dev libraries from source; the compiled DLLs are already provided in those packages. You'll drop the DLLs into the same folder as the .exe once it's compiled.
I started thinking about this issue after playing Torchlight a while back. In that game you can load your pet dog/cat with items and send them to town to vendor items automatically. This helps keeps the action flowing.
I think in Diablo 3's alpha/beta there was a feature to turn items into gold, but it was removed before release.
Anyway, I like the feature of being able to pawn items directly from the inventory. It saves a ton of time, and I think players will get used to it quickly.
If the "magic" nature of this is disturbing, we can probably make a lore explanation for it. If we want to be fancy, we can say there's a transmutation item that converts things to gold. Or if we want to be simple, assume the hero stashes these vendor trash items and sells them automatically when reaching town. But this doesn't really interest me. It can simply be a feature as far as I'm concerned.
Probably not for Flare 1.0, but I might convert this into a "disenchant" style feature. Some items might break down into gold, but others might break down into wood or steel that can be used to craft new items.
Note, I might make a drag location for pawning items right on the inventory menu. Instead of having to use the shortcut, someone could drag an item onto this icon to pawn it. I also want a similar "send to stash" shortcut to the inventory menu. I think we'll have both of these in place for 1.0.
CC-BY has nothing to do with DRM. It should be easy to use CC-BY assets in a commercial game.
Correction, there is a clause in CC-BY as well:
"You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License."
This clause makes a lot of sense for CC-BY-SA, but I'm not sure what it actually means for CC-BY.
I imagine a safe way to handle this is to include an extra non-DRM copy of all the CC-BY assets used with the distributable.
If at some point you did a "make install" it could have created that mods folder.
That's unusual. Are you using source and game-data from the same version? E.g. compiling from the latest github but using the mod folder from the packaged v0.16 release? A lot of the layout code for various menus has been updated lately, so you'll have to use matching versions.
mods/fantasycore/menus/config.txt is probably the file that isn't correct
If you want to render larger versions of Flare art, in Blender just change the render size (keeping the same aspect ratio). In the Properties window, the Render tab has a widget named "Dimensions". You should see the X,Y resolution there.
A few warnings:
Some of the art is not set up for easy one-click rendering. Some of the character and spell art has a python script to rotate and render the scene, so Run Script is used to render all the frames. Some tile set pieces have animations instead, so the Animate button is used to render all the frames. But sometimes it takes manipulaing the scene between each render (often rotating and moving objects; in rare cases, changing textures or scene options).
Storing very large images like that will take up more memory than you think. Currently Flare takes up about 100MB at runtime for images; if you scale up to 512x256 (8x) it would require 64x more memory (remember, that's 8x in both dimensions), over 6GB of video RAM. I'm not sure if video cards even go that high yet? Some video cards may not even hold images above a certain size. Map loading will be quite slow. etc.
Finally, most of Flare's older art isn't designed to look good at larger sizes. It's going to be ugly at 512x256.
What operating system are you playing on? In many unix-like operating systems your personal settings will be here:
Where ~ means your home folder.
If you're on Windows or other non-unix operating systems, there is a "config" folder created inside the flare folder.
It's definitely a Derivative Work. Even most of the fur details on yours is identical to the "#31" piece. So it's nice for practice, but you couldn't really release/distribute it (unless you got specific permission from those artists).
You need the SDL Development Libraries for SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer, and SDL_ttf. I believe they're all version 1.2 except SDL_ttf which is 2.0.
Take a look here:
You'll see "devel" versions of these libraries. They are provided for Visual C and for MinGW.
They'll contain an "include" folder and a "lib" folder. Copy these into the matching include and lib folders of your compiler. E.g. for MinGW that is C:\MinGW\include\ and C:\MinGW\lib\. Do this for all four SDL libraries.
Note: you don't need to compile the dev libraries from source; the compiled DLLs are already provided in those packages. You'll drop the DLLs into the same folder as the .exe once it's compiled.
Holy hell those look great. Is PARPG still around?
I started thinking about this issue after playing Torchlight a while back. In that game you can load your pet dog/cat with items and send them to town to vendor items automatically. This helps keeps the action flowing.
I think in Diablo 3's alpha/beta there was a feature to turn items into gold, but it was removed before release.
Anyway, I like the feature of being able to pawn items directly from the inventory. It saves a ton of time, and I think players will get used to it quickly.
If the "magic" nature of this is disturbing, we can probably make a lore explanation for it. If we want to be fancy, we can say there's a transmutation item that converts things to gold. Or if we want to be simple, assume the hero stashes these vendor trash items and sells them automatically when reaching town. But this doesn't really interest me. It can simply be a feature as far as I'm concerned.
Probably not for Flare 1.0, but I might convert this into a "disenchant" style feature. Some items might break down into gold, but others might break down into wood or steel that can be used to craft new items.
Note, I might make a drag location for pawning items right on the inventory menu. Instead of having to use the shortcut, someone could drag an item onto this icon to pawn it. I also want a similar "send to stash" shortcut to the inventory menu. I think we'll have both of these in place for 1.0.
That reminds me, we can make this an option to turn on/off in the engine.
I think it's silly to force the player to trek back to town to play pawn store simulator. Just convert items to gold instantly and keep playing.
CC-BY has nothing to do with DRM. It should be easy to use CC-BY assets in a commercial game.
Correction, there is a clause in CC-BY as well:
"You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License."
This clause makes a lot of sense for CC-BY-SA, but I'm not sure what it actually means for CC-BY.
I imagine a safe way to handle this is to include an extra non-DRM copy of all the CC-BY assets used with the distributable.
If at some point you did a "make install" it could have created that mods folder.
That's unusual. Are you using source and game-data from the same version? E.g. compiling from the latest github but using the mod folder from the packaged v0.16 release? A lot of the layout code for various menus has been updated lately, so you'll have to use matching versions.
mods/fantasycore/menus/config.txt is probably the file that isn't correct
Looks like it can't locate any of the game's data. Take the "mods" folder and place it inside /usr/share/games/flare/