- Can I use Flare and its art to create a commercial game?
The art and code portions will continue to be free/libre so anyone can share them. If you distribute your fully-original campaign data as a stand-alone mod, just that data can probably remain proprietary. You can sell all of it commercially (though people are free to share the core art/code portions, and any specific derivative works).
- Does/Will it support localization, dialogs, effects like poison, fire damage or area effects.
It supports localization, dialogs, and some kinds of spell effects. Version 0.18 will expand upon the variety of effects.
- Will/can I give custom attributes to the characters?
The four main attributes (Physical, Magical, Offense, Defense) are somewhat set in stone. You can rename them and tweak the size of the bonuses they give. For completely changing the attribute system (let's say, changing to D&D style or GURPS style attributes) you'd need to dig into the code and create a fork.
Maybe in the distant future we'll make these customizable, but it would probably require converting the entire engine to use a scripting language.
- Do you plan to provide any tool sets like graphical editors etc?
The Tiled Map Editor is used to make maps. Besides that, everything else is editing plain text files (or creating art). I don't plan on providing graphical editors.
- Will the games run under Windows, Mac and Linux? Perhaps on mobile devices, too?
Windows, Mac, Linux. It can be ported to mobile devices that have SDL support. Note that the GPL may be incompatible with some app store terms.
- One more thing: I noticed that there is quite a long loading time when moving into another area. Will this speed up in the next versions of Flare?
Load time varies by system (on the largest maps, my laptop loads in about 3 seconds; my desktop loads in about 0.25 seconds). There are some optimizations we can do that should help in the future.
Yeah those terms are not FSF's definition of Free. So I couldn't include that art in the project. A modder can create content using that art, as long as they warn end users of the license terms.
First, have a look at the sprite sheets used by Flare: mods/fantasycore/images/enemies/*.png
Notice a few things:
Always 8 rows, one per facing direction
Starts with facing "left" and continues clockwise
Animation frame sets are together in columns
Next, look at how the animations are defined: mods/fantasycore/animations/*.txt
The basic size per frame and drawing offset (from the center of the creature's feet to the top left corner of the frame)
A short list of animations. The names in brackets are important and must match what the engine expects (not all animations are required; if you put something unexpected in the brackets it will be ignored)
Position is the starting column (base 0).
Frames is the number of frames for this animation (to the right of the starting column).
Duration is how long each frame displays in milliseconds (best to use multiples of 33 really)
Type allows some animations to loop or play back and forth.
In the enemy definition files, the art and animations are referenced: mods/fantasycore/enemies/*.txt
gfx_prefix= refers to the sprite sheet .png file
animations= refers to the animation .txt file
So you'll need to create the sprite sheet and the animation file. The animation file is just a lot of manual work -- probably best to take an existing file and edit it. The sprite sheet, you'll have to create by combining the individual frames into one large image. Perhaps you can use a tool like ImageMagick's "montage" to help.
First, make sure the flare folder was extracted, and that all of this isn't happening inside a zip file.
After that, try running flare directly from command line. Start, run, cmd.exe. Then navigate to the extacted flare folder using the cd command. Once you are in the flare folder, run the dir command to make sure flare.exe and SDL.dll are there. If so, type flare and hit enter.
Scroll down and you'll see a Launch Flare batch file. Save it to your flare folder. essentially it's a plaintext file with a .bat extension that only contains the line: flare.exe
Run a .bat file by doubleclicking it in windows explorer.
I don't think there's a way to do that. Edge seems to be a post-process effect, not part of the actual native render.
- Can I use Flare and its art to create a commercial game?
The art and code portions will continue to be free/libre so anyone can share them. If you distribute your fully-original campaign data as a stand-alone mod, just that data can probably remain proprietary. You can sell all of it commercially (though people are free to share the core art/code portions, and any specific derivative works).
- Does/Will it support localization, dialogs, effects like poison, fire damage or area effects.
It supports localization, dialogs, and some kinds of spell effects. Version 0.18 will expand upon the variety of effects.
- Will/can I give custom attributes to the characters?
The four main attributes (Physical, Magical, Offense, Defense) are somewhat set in stone. You can rename them and tweak the size of the bonuses they give. For completely changing the attribute system (let's say, changing to D&D style or GURPS style attributes) you'd need to dig into the code and create a fork.
Maybe in the distant future we'll make these customizable, but it would probably require converting the entire engine to use a scripting language.
- Do you plan to provide any tool sets like graphical editors etc?
The Tiled Map Editor is used to make maps. Besides that, everything else is editing plain text files (or creating art). I don't plan on providing graphical editors.
- Will the games run under Windows, Mac and Linux? Perhaps on mobile devices, too?
Windows, Mac, Linux. It can be ported to mobile devices that have SDL support. Note that the GPL may be incompatible with some app store terms.
- One more thing: I noticed that there is quite a long loading time when moving into another area. Will this speed up in the next versions of Flare?
Load time varies by system (on the largest maps, my laptop loads in about 3 seconds; my desktop loads in about 0.25 seconds). There are some optimizations we can do that should help in the future.
Used here http://opengameart.org/content/teleporter-circle Thanks!
Used here http://opengameart.org/content/teleporter-circle Thanks!
Yeah those terms are not FSF's definition of Free. So I couldn't include that art in the project. A modder can create content using that art, as long as they warn end users of the license terms.
First, have a look at the sprite sheets used by Flare: mods/fantasycore/images/enemies/*.png
Notice a few things:
Next, look at how the animations are defined: mods/fantasycore/animations/*.txt
In the enemy definition files, the art and animations are referenced: mods/fantasycore/enemies/*.txt
So you'll need to create the sprite sheet and the animation file. The animation file is just a lot of manual work -- probably best to take an existing file and edit it. The sprite sheet, you'll have to create by combining the individual frames into one large image. Perhaps you can use a tool like ImageMagick's "montage" to help.
Not a problem. All of this may help plenty other players.
OK we'll try a couple more things.
First, make sure the flare folder was extracted, and that all of this isn't happening inside a zip file.
After that, try running flare directly from command line. Start, run, cmd.exe. Then navigate to the extacted flare folder using the cd command. Once you are in the flare folder, run the dir command to make sure flare.exe and SDL.dll are there. If so, type flare and hit enter.
Try renaming the .bat file to a .cmd file, see if you get a different result?
If you check Flare's github page you can download one from there.
Scroll down and you'll see a Launch Flare batch file. Save it to your flare folder. essentially it's a plaintext file with a .bat extension that only contains the line: flare.exe
Run a .bat file by doubleclicking it in windows explorer.