3. Set the enemy txt file to attunement_fire=0. That will multiply fire damage by 0. (default = 100, which is interpreted as 100%, so it multiplies damage by 1). So to take double damage from fire you'd say attunement_fire=200
"The authors of this content agree to license it under later versions of the licenses they selected above."
This means that the original artist has agreed to allow future versions of the specified licenses. For instance, Creative Commons licenses are version 3.0, but 4.0 will be the standard one day (and 5.0, etc). This is our way of saying the artist has already accepted future versions of this license.
You as the user of this art are still free to choose any one license.
There are new .pot files that contain the up-to-date strings.
If you have a .po editing tool, it should allow you to merge those new strings into the *de.po files. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with those tools. Let me see if I can get someone else to chime in on this.
The file name prefixes help there somewhat. All the Menus, Widgets, and GameStates are grouped together, and most of the remaining files are harder to categorize.
Thanks! I'm not really sure if the way my game is done is typical, but it seems to be easy to follow. In the end, as long as it works (the players won't care) and it's easy to maintain/update, it's good enough.
Maybe I can do a timelapse or tutorial one day about making Flare assets. Besides the camera position and output scripting, actually creating the models is mundane -- any Blender tutorial will be helpful there. Sometimes I get textures from OGA, sometimes I use some Public Domain sources (like the Blender Texture CD).
I imagine Diablo has a base MapGenerator interface and several derived classes for each major map type. Random map generation can be done in many ways. You might create rooms first, then connect them with hallways. You might use a Maze generating algorithm. You might create rooms, then enlarge them until they overlap with another room. You might have a few prebuilt chunks that you combine in a few random combinations. Or some weird combination of algorithms. I'm sure one day Flare will support random maps, but I don't yet know what method we'll use. I'll need to study up on existing algorithms.
Some notes about how attacks work. The Avatar and Enemy classes have a logic() routine. Enemy actually uses the BehaviorStandard::logic() routine; that one's cleaned up so maybe it's a good place to look.
When the player presses an attack button, or the enemy decides to attack, they switch to an attack state (which has an appropriate animation, like swing/shoot/cast). At a certain Active frame in the animation it calls PowerManager::activate(). If it is the kind of power that causes a Hazard, that's where it is created. Each frame, active hazards are compared to the list of enemies to check for hits. If you need a more detailed explanation of any part of that just let me know.
I'm not sure if Flare is a good place to learn. I want to think so -- many people from many different countries have worked on Flare, so it must be relatively easy to learn. It is definitely a very simple approach to a game engine. Most modern engines are far more complex, usually for good reasons though.
The transformation stuff is pretty new and WIP.
1. Set the enemy txt file to flying=1
2. Not sure yet, maybe igorko can help there
3. Set the enemy txt file to attunement_fire=0. That will multiply fire damage by 0. (default = 100, which is interpreted as 100%, so it multiplies damage by 1). So to take double damage from fire you'd say attunement_fire=200
"The authors of this content agree to license it under later versions of the licenses they selected above."
This means that the original artist has agreed to allow future versions of the specified licenses. For instance, Creative Commons licenses are version 3.0, but 4.0 will be the standard one day (and 5.0, etc). This is our way of saying the artist has already accepted future versions of this license.
You as the user of this art are still free to choose any one license.
You need the following development libraries:
There are new .pot files that contain the up-to-date strings.
If you have a .po editing tool, it should allow you to merge those new strings into the *de.po files. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with those tools. Let me see if I can get someone else to chime in on this.
Feel free to email me the .po files, attach them here, or fork on GitHub. Any method is fine!
It's a thought.
The file name prefixes help there somewhat. All the Menus, Widgets, and GameStates are grouped together, and most of the remaining files are harder to categorize.
You retain copyright, as with all submissions to OpenGameArt.
(The obvious exception being if you specifically release your content to the Public Domain)
Thanks! I'm not really sure if the way my game is done is typical, but it seems to be easy to follow. In the end, as long as it works (the players won't care) and it's easy to maintain/update, it's good enough.
Maybe I can do a timelapse or tutorial one day about making Flare assets. Besides the camera position and output scripting, actually creating the models is mundane -- any Blender tutorial will be helpful there. Sometimes I get textures from OGA, sometimes I use some Public Domain sources (like the Blender Texture CD).
I imagine Diablo has a base MapGenerator interface and several derived classes for each major map type. Random map generation can be done in many ways. You might create rooms first, then connect them with hallways. You might use a Maze generating algorithm. You might create rooms, then enlarge them until they overlap with another room. You might have a few prebuilt chunks that you combine in a few random combinations. Or some weird combination of algorithms. I'm sure one day Flare will support random maps, but I don't yet know what method we'll use. I'll need to study up on existing algorithms.
Some notes about how attacks work. The Avatar and Enemy classes have a logic() routine. Enemy actually uses the BehaviorStandard::logic() routine; that one's cleaned up so maybe it's a good place to look.
When the player presses an attack button, or the enemy decides to attack, they switch to an attack state (which has an appropriate animation, like swing/shoot/cast). At a certain Active frame in the animation it calls PowerManager::activate(). If it is the kind of power that causes a Hazard, that's where it is created. Each frame, active hazards are compared to the list of enemies to check for hits. If you need a more detailed explanation of any part of that just let me know.
I'm not sure if Flare is a good place to learn. I want to think so -- many people from many different countries have worked on Flare, so it must be relatively easy to learn. It is definitely a very simple approach to a game engine. Most modern engines are far more complex, usually for good reasons though.
Fabio, feel free to use this work as long as you give me credit. I'll update this license to CC-BY.