However we're using the Solid text renderer. I think if we move to the Blended renderer we can get better kerning (as it's not rounding to the nearest pixel).
To do that and preserve the drop-shadow on most of the text we'll need to use the new SDL_gfxBlitRGBA when making text buffers.
So essentially we might be able to improve it slightly by using different SDL_ttf options.
Currently the game is at a fixed 30fps frame rate. Games are usually acceptable at that rate (e.g. most console games).
I'm not sure what else could be happening though. Can you tell me your computer and video card specs (even driver version # if you can find it?). Thanks.
We haven't really decided the way to go with the core engine. It comes down to some game design choices. Some games have a Physical damage type, some games have Blunt/Slashing/Piercing subtypes.
Right now Armor Absorption is a flat # reduction while Resistance is a % reduction. Where to put Physical damage (absorption, resistance, both?) it's hard to say.
So physical vs. elemental damage, flat reduction vs. % reduction, there are lots of combinations. I'm not sure which the engine should handle, or the best way to make it generic.
Further, whether to treat these reductions as a fixed value or have diminishing returns. Maybe 100 resistance reduces incoming damage by 50%, but 200 resistance reduces damage by 75%. 300 resist for 87.5%. etc. Maybe the level difference betwen the attacker and defender adds in to the formula. Maybe the attacker can have a Piercing stat that ignores some amount of resistance.
At any rate, instead of making a very convoluted system to handle all cases, maybe it's best to isolate these calculations into a calculations class. Then at least someone changing the engine would have to do so in one place.
I'm excited about the fixes and features that are coming from Polymorphable!
I was able to restore the post.
And you should be able to comment on posts now via Disqus.
Using #25 for a spiked floor trap in Flare.
It's probably somewhat with SDL_ttf.
However we're using the Solid text renderer. I think if we move to the Blended renderer we can get better kerning (as it's not rounding to the nearest pixel).
To do that and preserve the drop-shadow on most of the text we'll need to use the new SDL_gfxBlitRGBA when making text buffers.
So essentially we might be able to improve it slightly by using different SDL_ttf options.
Currently the game is at a fixed 30fps frame rate. Games are usually acceptable at that rate (e.g. most console games).
I'm not sure what else could be happening though. Can you tell me your computer and video card specs (even driver version # if you can find it?). Thanks.
Is it the choppiness of running at 30fps?
We're not doing any motion blurring though. You might check to see if your display or video card is applying it automatically?
Now using many more of these elements in Flare (a lot of them in the new config men).
Also using the buttons for the Flare website! (attribution in the site footer and the CSS file).
Ah interesting. The reason the packaged downloads are smaller is because they don't contain the raw art sources -- mostly huge Blender files.
If anyone else runs into the same situation with the ~80MB Linux download let me know, we'll see if we can figure out what's going on.
makrohn, not sure how long it takes to process for the Ubuntu Software Center. There are other fine folks that handle that for me.
torch, it might be a permissions issue? It may be trying to read/write your home directory in two places:
by default; if you have some environment variables set (e.g. XDG stuff) it might be trying to I/O different locations.
We haven't really decided the way to go with the core engine. It comes down to some game design choices. Some games have a Physical damage type, some games have Blunt/Slashing/Piercing subtypes.
Right now Armor Absorption is a flat # reduction while Resistance is a % reduction. Where to put Physical damage (absorption, resistance, both?) it's hard to say.
So physical vs. elemental damage, flat reduction vs. % reduction, there are lots of combinations. I'm not sure which the engine should handle, or the best way to make it generic.
Further, whether to treat these reductions as a fixed value or have diminishing returns. Maybe 100 resistance reduces incoming damage by 50%, but 200 resistance reduces damage by 75%. 300 resist for 87.5%. etc. Maybe the level difference betwen the attacker and defender adds in to the formula. Maybe the attacker can have a Piercing stat that ignores some amount of resistance.
At any rate, instead of making a very convoluted system to handle all cases, maybe it's best to isolate these calculations into a calculations class. Then at least someone changing the engine would have to do so in one place.