Speaking of antlion webs, I also want to add art to support egg lairs. Hatched and unhatched eggs, burrow holes, even pulsating egg sacs that spawn antlions.
I actually think that it can be a separate option called Mouse Aiming or Cursor Aiming. On by default; if you disable it, powers are aimed the way the hero is facing. This also opens up possibilities for input devices that are unusual e.g. surely there's a handheld device with analog stick AND stylus touch-screen.
If you're feeling adventurous you could create a GitHub account, fork Flare, add your .po files to your repo, then send in a Pull Request.
But that's a hassle especially for non-coders or people not already on github. It's completely fine to send the .po file to me via email: clintbellanger at gmail
"The precompiled fonts are released under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2, with the exception that embedding the font in a document does not in itself bind that document to the terms of the GPL."
For the dungeons, add more foor rubble. Bricks, stones, bones. Maybe missing stones, or stones with blood marks. This will help a lot to make the dungeons feel dirtier.
The dungeons and caves need stairs up/down and modeled exits. These will replace the glowing blue panes that mark map exits.
I may add a couple larger houses to the Grasslands map. Maybe. We'll see.
You'll probably have to talk to the artist on this one.
Technically you'd have to attribute the artist every single place the logo appears -- that's probably not going to be feasible. The artist may give you specific permission to attribute her in other ways.
Further, you may want to discuss with the artist because it enters Trademark territory, and CC licenses don't really deal with trademarks. You'll want to make sure the artist is cool with you using that art as your trade mark.
Note to self: Maybe we need to separate the facing option from the joystick option? Or maybe there's some better way to let the player know what's happening. nobody_special666 isn't the first person to get stuck this way, and it's definitely non-obvious what's happening.
Usually that Cel-shading look is done with shader settings. That's because the outline is supposed to be "heavier" around the edges of the object, based on your current perspective. So it changes in real time.
You might be able to paint some edge lines directly onto the texture, but it won't look as good for all cases.
Neat! Any tips on how you made the 3D pieces tileable?
Speaking of antlion webs, I also want to add art to support egg lairs. Hatched and unhatched eggs, burrow holes, even pulsating egg sacs that spawn antlions.
I actually think that it can be a separate option called Mouse Aiming or Cursor Aiming. On by default; if you disable it, powers are aimed the way the hero is facing. This also opens up possibilities for input devices that are unusual e.g. surely there's a handheld device with analog stick AND stylus touch-screen.
If you're feeling adventurous you could create a GitHub account, fork Flare, add your .po files to your repo, then send in a Pull Request.
But that's a hassle especially for non-coders or people not already on github. It's completely fine to send the .po file to me via email: clintbellanger at gmail
The GNU Unifont is GPL license only, correct? I don't think you can relicense it under CC-BY.
Via http://unifoundry.com/index.html
"The precompiled fonts are released under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2, with the exception that embedding the font in a document does not in itself bind that document to the terms of the GPL."
My current ideas:
For the dungeons, add more foor rubble. Bricks, stones, bones. Maybe missing stones, or stones with blood marks. This will help a lot to make the dungeons feel dirtier.
The dungeons and caves need stairs up/down and modeled exits. These will replace the glowing blue panes that mark map exits.
I may add a couple larger houses to the Grasslands map. Maybe. We'll see.
You'll probably have to talk to the artist on this one.
Technically you'd have to attribute the artist every single place the logo appears -- that's probably not going to be feasible. The artist may give you specific permission to attribute her in other ways.
Further, you may want to discuss with the artist because it enters Trademark territory, and CC licenses don't really deal with trademarks. You'll want to make sure the artist is cool with you using that art as your trade mark.
Note to self: Maybe we need to separate the facing option from the joystick option? Or maybe there's some better way to let the player know what's happening. nobody_special666 isn't the first person to get stuck this way, and it's definitely non-obvious what's happening.
I'll check on the Key Bindings text. It's possible it doesn't have translation enabled yet; if so we'll fix that.
If you want to create your own blank po files, make a copy of the "data.pot" or "engine.pot" files and rename them (I think that's how others do it?)
We'll gladly add a Portuguese translation! Let me know if you need any other tips.
Usually that Cel-shading look is done with shader settings. That's because the outline is supposed to be "heavier" around the edges of the object, based on your current perspective. So it changes in real time.
You might be able to paint some edge lines directly onto the texture, but it won't look as good for all cases.